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Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
Thèmes de recherche
Activités / CV
Ph.D., criminal law and criminal science (University of Nantes, December 2006).
Dissertation: Public crime-prevention policies (Dir., R. OTTENHOF), summa cum laude (Emile Garçon prize from the Association française de droit pénal, 2007).
Editorial ActivitiesScientific Committee Member, Champ pénal / Penal Field since 2009.
Editorial Committee Member, Déviance et Société since 2013.
Editorial Committee Member, Archives de Politique Criminelle since 2013.
Administrative and Research Management Duties
Steering Committee Member, European Group for Research on Normativities (GERN).
Executive Member, "Sociology of Law and Justice" Topical Network (RT 13) of the French Sociology Association (AFS).
Scientific Board Member, French Observatory on Drugs and Addition (OFDT).Head, University Degree in Criminology, University of Nantes Faculty of Law and Political Science.
Personal bibliographyResearch
Punish and Treat: An Empirical Study of the Relationship between Health Care and Criminal Justice (REPESO, dir. V. Gautron), research subsidized pursuant to a call for proposals issued by the French National Research Agency (2015-2019).
Pluridisciplinary Study of the Mechanism for Treatment Orders in a Regional Metropolis (dir. V. Gautron, S. Grunvald), research subsidized pursuant to a call for proposals issued by the French Law and Justice Research Mission (2014-2016).
How a Management Approach Has Changed Justice: International Movement of Professionals and Tools (MANAJUSTICE, dir. C. Vigour), research project financed by the Aquitaine Regional Council, Centre Emile Durkheim, Sciences Po Bordeaux (2014-2016).
Neurosciences: From Experimentation to the Clinic (NORMASTIM, dir. S. Desmoulin), research subsidized pursuant to a call for proposals issued by the French National Research Agency (2014-2018).