Welcome to Nantes Université

Nantes Université is a public Higher Education and Research institution which offers a unique world-class university model in France. It brings together a university (Université de Nantes) organised into 4 clusters, three prestigious schools (Centrale Nantes, the Nantes/Saint-Nazaire School of Fine Arts (École des Beaux- Arts Nantes Saint-Nazaire) and the Nantes National School of Architecture (École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Nantes)), a University Hospital (CHU de Nantes), a Technological Research Institute (IRT Jules Verne) and a National Research Organisation (Inserm).

Step 1 : things to Do Upon Arrival

If you have arrived from abroad:

Head straight to the One-Stop Information Desk  “Guichet Unique” at Nantes Université’s International Office upon your arrival! This enhanced reception service ensures you receive a warm welcome at the university. The Europe and International team will provide essential information for your settling-in, ensuring a successful integration into life in Nantes. Maison des Echanges internationaux et de la Francophonie (MEIF)
15 Chaussée de la Madeleine, 44000 Nantes

The Start of the Academic Year: A very special time!

Your department will organise orientation meetings to provide all the practical information you need. These sessions will help you understand how your studies will proceed, which subjects will be taught and how you will be assessed.

You will also learn about the services available on campus: mental and physical health, sports, culture, student life, and more. Take this opportunity to visit the facilities and ask any questions you may have!

Get your Student Card and download your Enrolment Certificate

The Student Card

Your student card is an electronic, multi-service card that identifies you as a student at Nantes Université. Linked to your "Izly" account, it also serves as a payment method at university restaurants and cafés. Personal, non-transferable, and essential for your daily life, it is important to take good care of it and always keep it with you.

Your Enrolment Certificate

You can download your enrolment certificate from your intranet under: “Vos webservices > réinscription et autres procédures de scolarité > opérations administratives > documents en ligne“. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the academic office of your department.

Get to Know your Intranet and Webservices!

The student intranet serves as a vital information hub and gateway to all digital services available throughout your studies! It grants you access to a range of webservices:  Madoc (an educational platform that allows teachers at Nantes Université to share multimedia content and documents with you), your timetable, your marks, academic records... and also your webmail! Your student email address will be used by your administrative office, academic department or teaching team to keep in touch with you, whether it's for administrative/academic updates, practical advice, or good deals…
Once your registration is confirmed, you'll receive your login details and a link to activate your account and set your password. Your login and password will then enable you to log in to your intranet and access all your webservices.

Smart move!
Your inbox can fill up quickly and has limited storage capacity. Remember to sort through and delete emails you've already handled!


Know your Go-To Contacts!

From academic office staff to administrators and designated teachers... Your go-to contacts may differ between departments. Find yours and feel free to reach out!

Smart move!
Each department has its own website and sometimes an Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn profile. Feel free to follow them!

Étape 2 : Explore your campus

Health, Sports, Culture... discover the range of services!

Les lieux incontournables : BU, RU, Station SUIO...

At Nantes University, our Student Life services offer a wide range of campus activities to enrich your university experience. Immerse yourself in workshops focused on cultural practices such as writing, drama, and radio broadcasting, or explore evening language courses covering over fifteen different languages. Through the University Sports Service (SUAPS), you can participate in up to three sports activities per year at a highly affordable rate (ranging from 25€ to 50€). Additionally, our Student Health Service caters to all your health needs, providing appointments for general medicine, health check-ups, mental health support, gynaecological services, and dental consultations. Discover the full range of services available to you!

The Must-See Places

From university libraries to the student cafeterias, these iconic campus locations are essential parts of your university life! The university library offers a vast collection of books and study spaces, along with a vibrant calendar of events and cultural activities. Explore more at https://bu.univ-nantes.fr/.

For dining, opt for the CROUS university restaurants and cafeterias, which provide meals to suit all budgets. Are you at the “Tertre” campus? Discover the University Theatre and the Student Hub! You will see that each campus has its own unique spots!

Step 3 : Let’s meet!

Don't Miss Out: The Welcome Festival

For the past three years, Nantes Université has hosted its annual welcome festival. Open to all students across the city, this year it will be held at Halle 6 Ouest on the Île de Nantes Campus, near the School of Fine Arts, on Thursday, 26th September. At the Campus Life village, you'll find information on university services, student associations and local partners. In the afternoon and evening, please enjoy the festive line-up: bike tours, curious visits, open mic sessions, concerts, etc.

Student Mentoring: The Importance of Peer Support

Every year, Nantes Université employs students for mentoring and peer support roles. Student ambassadors act as key resources for general information, cultural insights, and health promotion. Mentoring is also provided for academic support and welcoming events (such as orientations).

Smart move!
Student associations and student groups often have Instagram profiles or Facebook groups, etc. Please follow those that interest you!

An Exceptional Pool of Student Associations

Student engagement is a key aspect of the student experience. With around 150 associations in sports, citizenship, solidarity, culture and more, the student association network at Nantes Université is particularly vibrant! Our institution dedicates significant resources to support them, offering methodological advice, project oversight, logistical and material support, as well as financial assistance.

The Univ’ Buddy programme

French and international students, please come together! Join the Univ’ Buddy programme to exchange languages and cultures!
More information & registration at: https://i-fle.univ-nantes.fr/fr/univ-buddy

Mis à jour le 24 July 2024.