A major survey to improve study conditions and better fight against gender-based and sexual violence at Nantes Université

From January 16 to March 17, 2023, all students of Nantes Université, including Centrale Nantes, l’École nationale supérieure d'Architecture de Nantes, l’École des Beaux-Arts de Nantes Saint-Nazaire and the training institutes of CHU de Nantes, are invited to take part in a major survey on living conditions and exposure to gender-based and sexual violence during studies.

With this survey, Nantes Université seeks a better understanding of the difficulties that students may go through in their academic, professional and personal careers in order to put up the most appropriate action plan to improve study conditions.

This survey is the latest part of an overall system set up by Nantes Université as part of our commitment to societal issues and the well-being of students and staff.

How do I access and complete the survey?

  • Please check your student mailbox and open the message entitled "Survey: Help us improve your study conditions and better fight against gender-based and sexual violence within Nantes Université". This email contains a personal link to access the survey and respond anonymously.
  • If you are willing to encourage your classmates to take part in the survey, do not hesitate to direct them to their own mailboxes.
  • If you are having difficulty accessing the survey, send a message to enquete-vss@univ-nantes.fr

  • You will be offered in the last part of the survey to leave your contact details in order to be contacted if you feel the need. This contact information is separated from your responses during data analysis.

The survey addresses situations that may influence the quality of your studies, including your possible exposure to gender-based and sexual violence. Even if you do not feel directly concerned, we encourage you to take the time to answer the entire questionnaire.

  • Every contribution counts: the simple act of responding is a contribution to get things done!

  • The survey addresses issues such as the atmosphere in the establishment, integration days, situations of moral, physical and sexual violence that may have been experienced by students and the impact of these on their living and studying conditions.
  • Some of the issues can potentially offend the sensitivity of some people by the nature of the situations or the memories that they can revive. Information on the support and assistance systems will therefore be offered at the end of the questionnaire.
  • Check the support and assistance systems in place in you faculty, school or institute (in French)

  • The average response time is estimated at 17 minutes.
  • We invite you to take the time to answer the entire questionnaire because these few minutes of personal time will benefit the entire student community, in a concrete and lasting way.
  • You can start responding, pause and then resume anytime between January 16 and March 17, 2023.

The questionnaire was developed jointly by the Nantes Université administrative teams and academic staff from the Faculty of sociology and the Faculty of law. It was tested by a sample of students before being sent to the entire student community.

Mis à jour le 24 janvier 2023.