Thèmes de recherche
Implementation of the Attachment Video-feedback Intervention With Foster Family in a French Context
Our current research is evaluating the effectiveness of a home-visiting intervention with foster children and foster families in a French child protection service. Developed in the Quebec Canadian province, the Attachment Video-feedback Intervention (AVI) is a home-based intervention inspired by attachment theory that uses video-feedback to increase the sensitivity of the attachment figure and thus promote child development (Moss et al., 2011). The aim of our study is to evaluate the effects of this program on 1) the development of a secure relationship between the caregiver and the child, 2) the caregiver's ability to respond to the child's emotional needs, 3) the feeling of competence of the caregiver and 4) the child's behavioral development. The sample consists of 50 children aged between 18 months and 5 years, and their caregivers, divided into two groups: the experimental group, receives the AVI, and a control group receives a telephone intervention. To examine the effectiveness of the AVI, pre- and post-tests are being carried out for both study groups. The measures consist of observations from dyadic interactions filmed in the foster family's home and questionnaires administered to the caregiver.
Our current research is evaluating the effectiveness of a home-visiting intervention with foster children and foster families in a French child protection service. Developed in the Quebec Canadian province, the Attachment Video-feedback Intervention (AVI) is a home-based intervention inspired by attachment theory that uses video-feedback to increase the sensitivity of the attachment figure and thus promote child development (Moss et al., 2011). The aim of our study is to evaluate the effects of this program on 1) the development of a secure relationship between the caregiver and the child, 2) the caregiver's ability to respond to the child's emotional needs, 3) the feeling of competence of the caregiver and 4) the child's behavioral development. The sample consists of 50 children aged between 18 months and 5 years, and their caregivers, divided into two groups: the experimental group, receives the AVI, and a control group receives a telephone intervention. To examine the effectiveness of the AVI, pre- and post-tests are being carried out for both study groups. The measures consist of observations from dyadic interactions filmed in the foster family's home and questionnaires administered to the caregiver.
Activités / CV
Communications scientifiques :
- A VENIR - Bretesché, T., Toussaint, E., Tarabulsy, G. M., Raynaud, A., & Bacro, F. (2024). Implementation of the Attachment Video-feedback Intervention With Foster Family in a French Context [Communication affichée]. International Attachment Conference, 15-17 juillet 2024, Rouen, France.
- Bretesché, T., Toussaint, E., Tarabulsy, G. M., Raynaud, A., & Bacro, F. (2023). Optimiser la sécurité affective et le développement socio-émotionnel des enfants placés en famille d’accueil : évaluation d'un programme d'intervention relationnelle par rétroaction vidéo [Communication orale]. Colloque « Attachement en protection de l’enfance », 16-17 juin 2023, Paris, France.
- Bretesché, T., Toussaint, E., Tarabulsy, G. M., Raynaud, A., & Bacro, F. (2022). Optimiser la sécurité affective et le développement socio-émotionnel des enfants placés en famille d’accueil : évaluation d'un programme d'intervention relationnelle par rétroaction vidéo [Communication affichée]. Journées scientifiques « Le bien-être des enfants et des jeunes en contexte de pandémie », 2-3 juin 2022, Nantes, France.
- Bretesché, T., Toussaint, E., Tarabulsy, G. M., Raynaud, A., & Bacro, F. (2021, novembre). Optimiser la sécurité affective et le développement socio-émotionnel des enfants placés en famille d’accueil : évaluation d'un programme d'intervention relationnelle par rétroaction vidéo [Communication affichée]. Journée de rentrée de l’école doctorale ELICC, 26 novembre 2021, Nantes, France.
- Bretesché, T., Toussaint, E., Tarabulsy, G. M., Raynaud, A., & Bacro, F. (2021). Optimiser la sécurité affective et le développement socio-émotionnel des enfants placés en famille d’accueil : évaluation d'un programme d'intervention relationnelle par rétroaction vidéo [Communication orale]. Séminaire du thème 4 du CREN « Qualité de vie : approches psychologiques, développementales, cliniques et éducatives », 18 novembre 2021, Nantes, France.
Publications :
- Coudronnière, C., Bretesché, T., Jacquin, J., Toussaint, E., Florin, A. & Bacro, F. (sous presse). Le comité participatif d’enfants et de jeunes : une initiative visant à les rendre acteurs de la recherche sur leur bien-être. Enfance.
Mis à jour le 07 mars 2025.