Personnel de l'université

Séverine THOIRON

Maître de Conférences


Laboratoire de Biologie et Pathologie Végétales

0251125640 (n° interne : 455640)

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Biologie végétale (L1 et L2),  Physiologie végétale (L2 à M2) , Biologie moléculaire végétale (L3 à M2), phytopathologie

Thèmes de recherche

Mécanismes moléculaires de la germination des plantes parasites orobanches

Activités / CV

depuis septembre 1998: maître de Conférences-LBPV -Université de Nantes
1997-1998: ATER Université Montpellier II- Laboratoire de Biochimie et Physiologie Moléculaire des Plantes (UMR CNRS/INRA/Agro-M/ UMII)

1997: Doctorat de l'université Montpellier II préparé au Laboratoire de Biochimie et Physiologie Moléculaire des Plantes- (UMR CNRS/INRA/Agro-M/ UMII) Spécialité physiologie

1994: DEA "Bases de la production végétale- Université MONTPELLIER  II et Magistère de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire -ENS LYON
1990-1994: Elève de L'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon -

Informations complémentaires

publications :

-Brun G, Thoiron S,  Braem L,  Pouvreau JB, Montiel G, Lechat MM, Simier P, Gevaert K, Goormachtig S, Delavault P. (2019) CYP707As are effectors of karrikin and strigolactone signaling pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana and parasitic plants. Plant and Cell Environnement. 42, 2612-2622.

-Brun G., Braem L., Thoiron S., Gevaert K., Goormachtig S., Delavault P (2018) Seed germination in parasitic plants: what insights can we expect from strigolactone research?, Journal of Experimental Botany,69, pp 2265-2280

--Delavault, P., Montiel, G., Brun, G., Pouvreau, J.-B., Thoiron, S. and Simier, P. (2017). Communication Between Host Plants and Parasitic Plants. In Advances in Botanical Research. 82, 55-82

-Lechat MM, Brun G, Montiel G, Véronési C, Simier P, Thoiron S, Pouvreau JB and Delavault P. (2015). DNA methylation modulates seed germination in response to strigolactones in the obligate root parasitic plant, Phelipanche ramosa L. Pomel. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66, pp 3129-3140.

-Lechat MM, Pouvreau JB, Péron T, Gauthier M, Montiel G, Véronési C, Todoroki Y, Le Bizec B, Monteau F, Macherel D, Simier P, Thoiron S and Delavault  P (2012) PrCYP707A1, an ABA catabolic gene, is a key component of Phelipanche ramosa seed germination in response to the strigolactone analogue GR24. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63, pp 5311-5322.
-Péron T, Véronési C, Mortreau E, Pouvreau JB, Thoiron S, Leduc N, Delavault P and Simier P (2012). Role of the sucrose synthase encoding PrSus1 gene in the development of the parasitic plant Phelipanche ramosa L. (Pomel). Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions, 25, pp 402-411
- Draie R., Péron T., Pouvreau JB, Véronési C, Jegou S, Delavault P., Thoiron S., and Simier P. (2011). Invertases involved in the development of the parasitic plant Phelipanche ramosa: characterization of the dominant soluble acid isoform, PrSAI1 Molecular Plant Pathology 12, pp 638-652
-de Zélicourt A, Montiel G, Pouvreau JB, Thoiron S, Delgrange S, Simier P, Delavault P.(2009) Susceptibility of Phelipanche and Orobanche species to AAL toxin. Planta, 230, pp1047-1055.
-Pérez de Luque  A., Fondevilla S., Pérez-Vitch B., Aly R., Thoiron S., Simier P., Castillejo M.A.,  Fernandez-Martinez J.M., Jorrin J., Rubiales D., Delavault P. (2009) Understanding Orobanche and Phelipanche–host plant interactions and developing resistance. Weed Research, 49, pp8-2
-de Zélicourt A., Letousey P., Thoiron S., Campion C., Simoneau P., Elmorjani K., Marion D., Simier P., Delavault P. (2007). Ha-DEF1, a sunflower defensin, induces cell death in Orobanche parasitic plants. Planta, 226, pp 591-600.
-Letousey P., de Zélicourt A., Vieira Dos Santos C., Thoiron S., Monteau F., Simier P. Thalouarn P., Delavault P.(2007) Molecular analysis of sunflower resistance mechanisms to Orobanche sunflower  Plant Pathology, 5, pp 536-546.
-Lejeune A, Constant S, Delavault P, Simier P, Thalouarn P, Thoiron S. (2006). Involvement of a putative Lycopersicon esculentum wall-associated kinase in the early steps of tomato-Orobanche ramosa interaction. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology,
69, pp 3-12
-Leboeuf E., Guillon F., Thoiron S., Lahaye M. (2005) Biochemical and immunohistochemical analysis of pectic polysaccharides in the cell walls of Arabidopsis mutant QUASIMODO 1 suspension-cultured cells: implications for cell adhesion. Journal of Experimental Botany, 56, pp 3171-82.
-Leboeuf E., Thoiron S., Lahaye M. (2004) Physico-chemical characteristics of cell walls from Arabidopsis thaliana microcalli showing different adhesion strengths. Journal of Experimental Botany, 55, pp 2087-97.
-Delavault P., Simier P., Thoiron S., Véronési C., Fer A., Thalouarn P., (2002) Isolation of mannose 6-phosphate reductase cDNA, changes in enzyme activity and mannitol content in broomrape (Orobanche ramosa) parasitic on tomato. Physiologia Plantarum, 114, pp 48-55.
-Thoiron S., Briat J.F. (1999). Differential expression of maize sugar responsive genes in response to iron deficiency. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 37, pp 759-766.
-Bagnarési P., Thoiron S., Mansion M., Rossignol M., Pupillo P., Briat J.F. (1999). Cloning and characterization of a maize cytochrome-b5 reductase with Fe3+ chelate reduction capability. Biochemical Journal, 338, pp 499-505.
-Thoiron S, Pascal N., Briat J.F. (1997) Impact of iron deficiency and iron re-supply during the early stages of vegetative development in maize (Zea mays L.) Plant, Cell and Environment 20, 1051-1060.
-Briat J.F., Fobis-Loisy I., Grignon N., Lobréaux S., Pascal N., Savino G., Thoiron S., von Wirén N., Van Wuytswinkel O. (1995) Cellular and molecular aspects of iron metabolism in plants. Biology of the Cell. 84, 69-81.
-Lobréaux S., Thoiron S., Briat J.F. (1995) Induction of ferritin synthesis in maize leaves by an iron-mediated oxidative stress. The Plant Journal 8, 443-449.

Mis à jour le 28 mai 2024.