Academic staff


Associate Professor, Law & Political Science Faculty, University of Nantes.


Faculté de Droit et des Sciences politiques de Nantes Chemin de la Censive-du-Tertre - BP 81307 44313 Nantes Cedex 3 - FRANCE

0240141506 (n° interne : 441506)

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Legal Philosophy, European Law, US Legal System, Common Law, Comparative Public Administration.

Thèmes de recherche

Indian Law, Environmental Law; Comparative Drug Policy, Criminology, Legal Theory.

Activités / CV

Dr. Renaud Colson is Associate Professor at the Law & Political Science Faculty of the University of Nantes (France) and Honorary Lecturer at Cardiff University (Wales, UK). He holds a Diploma in Legal Studies from Cardiff University, a Master’s degree in legal theory from the Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles and the Katholieke Universiteit Brussels, a Master’s degree in private law and a PhD in legal history from the University of Nantes. Dr Renaud Colson has held multiple visiting positions at Cardiff University (2008, 2017), the European University Institute in Florence (2011-2013), the Institute of Advanced Study of Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi, 2016), the University Institute on Addiction in Montreal (2018), the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (Hamburg, 2019), the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law (Freiburg, 2021), the University Saint-Louis (Brussel, 2022), and the French Institute of Pondichery (2022-2024). 

His doctoral thesis on the history of the judicial function in France was published as a book: La fonction de juger: Etude historique et positive (Paris: LGDJ, 2006). Since then, he has written on a variety of subjects including comparative law, drug law and criminology. His last monograph deals with The transformation of criminal justice: A comparison of France and England and Wales (L'Harmattan, 2011, with Stewart Field). He has recently edited three collections: Les drogues face au droit (Presses universitaires de France, 2015, with Henri Bergeron), EU Criminal Justice and the Challenges of Diversity: Legal Cultures in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (Cambridge University Press, 2016, with Stewart Field), and European Drug Policies: The Ways of Reform (Routledge, 2017, with Henri Bergeron).

FULL CV (in English)

Mis à jour le 26 novembre 2024.