• Le 17 March 2024
    La Cité des Congrès, Nantes (auditorium 450)
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Class of 2024

Nantes Université PhD students who defended their thesis between 1 January and 31 December 2024 are invited to the 2025 Doctoral Graduation Ceremony on 17 March 2025 at La Cité des Congrès in Nantes.

This will be an opportunity to celebrate their achievements and the quality of their research work, surrounded by their relatives and their thesis directors who have supported them over the last few years of research and thesis development.

It's a unique opportunity to showcase the diversity and excellence of the research carried out by PhD students in Nantes Université’s laboratories!

Dear doctoral students, we look forward to seeing you and celebrating your PhD!

Join us on monday 17 march 2025

  • Starting at 4:00 pm: welcome, handover of diplomas and graduation hats, photo booth
  • 5:00 pm: Doctorate Graduation Ceremony
  • 6:15 pm: reception and photo booth


The event is open only to registered participants, and registrations are open until 9 March.
Anyone wishing to attend must register online (including accompanying persons).

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If you are registered but cannot attend, please let us know at
Mis à jour le 27 January 2025.