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Call for papers: What is the European Qur’ān? (ERC EuQu, Nantes, 11-12 May 2023)
Du 11 mai 2023 au 12 mai 2023Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Ange Guépin
5 allée Jacques Berque
44000 Nantes - Francefalse false
The Nantes Université researchers of the ERC project EuQu – The European Qur’ān are pleased to announce the organisation of a conference devoted to the problem of defining the nature of the Qur’ān in Europe in the 12th-19th centuries.
Read the Call for papers
Participation is by invitation. Those invited to submit a proposal should send a one-page abstract to euqu_equipe_nantes[a]univ-nantes.fr by 30 September 2022.
Language : English or French
Program Committee:
• Maurizio Busca, Post-doc Nantes Université
• Florence Ninitte, Post-doc Nantes Université
• Irene Reginato, Post-doc Nantes Université
• Emmanuelle Stefanidis, Post-doc Nantes Université
• John Tolan, Professor Nantes Université and Principal Investigator of the ERC EuQu