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Discover Podcast and Sketchnoting from our First Summer school "Stem cells and organoïd models " in 2024 July 4 & 5


Our master's and PhD's students, academics and professionals were invited to assist to several conferences, and workshops on the theme of " The role of stem cells and organoid models in biomedical research: from scientific to societal dimensions".
Several workshops on scientific illustration and scientific communication were organized specifically for Master and PhD students of the Graduate School of Health Sciences and Technologies.

Podcast workshop

  Les briques du vivant                         Déconstruire le vivant
Podcast Les briques du vivant Podcast Déconstruire le vivant

Sketchnoting Workshop

Sketchnote 1 Sketchnote 2
Sketchnote Thomas Stervinou SKetch Eglantine
Sara Emilie Rochard
Roux Théo Noel
Ninon Carlet Alix Lebreton Morgane Biette Antria Antreou
Mis à jour le 02 octobre 2024.