Philippe MOREAU

Personnel de l'université

Philippe MOREAU



Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel 2 rue de la Houssinière 44322 NANTES cedex

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Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Chimie - Chimie inorganique - Matériaux - Microscopies-Spectroscopies (EELS, EDS...)

Thèmes de recherche

Electron microscopies (STEM, FIB-SEM...) and spectroscopies (Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, EELS). Li-ion batteries, all solid-state batteries. 2D materials.

Activités / CV

Professor in Chemistry at the University of Nantes since 2019.
Diplôme Ingénieur ENSIC 1991 (Nancy, France); Ph.D. 1994 (Nantes, France) ; Cavendish 1996-1998 (Cambridge, UK)
ST2E group - Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel - University of Nantes - Centre de MicroCaractérisation (Microscopy Center) - CNRS

Philippe Moreau is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques (ENSIC in Nancy, France : "Grande Ecole" specialised in Chemical Engeneering). During his PhD, his focus became redirected towards the study of materials. The subject was "Interactions in mercury intercalated TiS2 and TaS2" under the supervision of Prof. G. Ouvrard at the Institut des Materiaux Jean Rouxel in 1994. While at the Cavendish Laboratory (Cambridge, England) in his postdoctoral position under the supervision of Prof. A. Howie, he got involved in Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and still is involved in this field to date. He became Maître de Conférences (Associate professor) at the University of Nantes in 1998 and full professor in 2019 and teaches inorganic chemistry, electron microscopy and, photon and electron based spectroscopies. His current interests are in the study of lithium battery materials using EELS and electron microscopy, the development of the understanding of the low energy loss region in EELS spectra (various types of materials) and the optimised comparison of experimental spectra with ab initio calculations.

Informations complémentaires

Recent papers:
Mis à jour le 01 mars 2025.