Academic staff
-Full professor-Head of the MIMM research group @CEISAM
-Head of the NMR platform - CEISAM institute - Corsaire - MetaboHUB
-Head of Master 2 program in analytical chemistry (A3M)
-Member of Nantes University Academic Council
-Honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France (Junior member 2014-2019)
-Vice-president of the Ampere Society
-Deputy Editor, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry
CEISAM, UMR CNRS 6230 Bât. 22 Faculté des Sciences et Techniques 2 rue de la Houssinière 44322 Nantes Cedex 03
- Tél
- 0251125709 (n° interne : 455709)
Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
Thèmes de recherche
Activités / CV
Research area
- Methodological developments in fast quantitative 2D NMR
- Dissolution-DNP
- Applications to metabolomics, fluxomics, isotopomics
- Methodological developments in benchtop NMR
- Applications to reaction monitoring
Funded projects (as project leader)
-CPER UltraOmics (2022-2027)
-ERC Consolidator Grant SUMMIT, (2019-2024)
-PRC France-Israel CNRS-MOST U2NMR (2018-2020)
-ANR SUMMIT (2017-2019)
-Région Pays de Loire RFI Food 4.2 LIPIDOTOOL (2015-2018)
-Région Pays de Loire RésoNantes (2014-2017)
-ANR Starting Grant QUANTUM (2011-2014)
-Several collaborations with industry
2017 : Full Professor - Université de Nantes (France)
2014-2019 : Junior fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)
2009-2017 : Associate professor (Maître de Conférences) - Université de Nantes (France)
2008-2009 : Post-doctoral fellow, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot (Israël), group of L. Frydman. Research area : Ultrafast nD NMR of hyperpolarized solutions. Lavoisier Fellowship from the French Ministry of foreign affairs. Feinberg graduate school fellowship.
2005-2008 : PhD student at CEISAM (Université de Nantes, UMR CNRS 6230). PhD directed by Evelyne Baguet et Serge Akoka Subject: Development of quantitative multidimensional NMR.
2012 : Habilitation
2008 : PhD in analytical chemistry with highest distinction
2005 : Master in analytical chemistry with highest distinction
2004 : "Agrégation" (highest scientific competitive exam in France) in physics and chemistry
Editorial activity and expertise
2022-2027 : Elected member of Nantes University Academic Council
2011-2017: Elected member of the National University Council (CNU - section 31)
Vice-president of the French Metabolomics and Fluxomics Network (2015-2023)
Member of the Euromar Board of Trustees (2017-...)
Vice-president of the Ampere Society (2021-...)
Committee member of the l'Ampere Society (2016-2024)
Associate Editor, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry (Wiley, 2019-...)
Associate Editor, Magnetic Resonance (Copernicus, 2019-...)
Member of Editorial Board of the following journals: Analytical Chemistry (ACS, 2017-2021), Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open (Elsevier, 2020-2022)