Personnel de l'université
Maxime MAHÉ
Inserm CRCNCoordonnées
The Enteric Nervous System in Gut and Brain Disorders -TENS Inserm UN UMR 1235 Faculte de Medecine 1, Rue Gaston Veil 44035 Nantes Cedex
- Bureau
- Tél
- 0240412885 (n° interne : 312885)
- Site internet
Thèmes de recherche
The use of human pluripotent stem cells offers great avenues to generate human tissues. The understanding of intestinal development and its translation to human pluripotent stem cells, allowed the field to move forward in understanding intestinal development and gastrointestinal diseases. Our lab has developed model systems of the human intestine with the endeavor to study gastrointestinal physiopathology. Using human pluripotent stem cells, we were able to generate a human intestine reassembling human intestinal features including and enteric nervous system (ENS). The use of iPSCs-derived organoid models represent a real opportunity to expand our knowledge into the effect of ENS on intestinal development and toward the understanding of pathophysiological processes leading to functional gastrointestinal neuropathies. In addition, our lab is also investigating forthecoming strategies that could be used to create a fully functional intestine in vitro that could be used in conjonction with microbiota and nutrients.
The main objectives of the research program are:
- To characterize the role of the enteric nervous system on human intestinal development.
- To characterize the patterning of the enteric nervous system during both neonatal and postnatal periods.
- To develop strategies to bioengineer human gastrointestinal tissues (organoids).
Activités / CV
- PhD in Neurogastroenterology at the University of Nantes, INSERM U913, France. In 2012, I obtained a PhD from the University of Nantes, in the Neuropathies of the Enteric Nervous System and Digestive Diseases Unit, in Neurogastroenterology. Initially, my PhD research was focused on the study of enteric glial cells and their impact upon neuronal protection and intestinal barrier functions. Most of my research work was dedicated to the enteric glial cells and their role both in the control of intestinal epithelial cell growth and proliferation, and in neuroprotection.
- Moving to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. In 2012, I joined the Division of Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery at CCHMC, under the leadership of Michael Helmrath, MD, MS. I worked on developing new methodologies for the study of murine and human intestinal stem cells. The aim of my research was to develop and use intestinal stem cell culture techniques to study the mechanisms that result in regional specific intestinal stem cell patterning. With the goal of studying regional patterning in the small intestine, we were the first group to successfully generate 3-dimensional intestinal human PSCs and show functional maturation following engraftment into mice. Having worked extensively on the enteric nervous system during my PhD and using this recently published PSC-derived human gut, I decided to build on that model to incorporate an ENS. For this project, I have been awarded a two year pilot project from the Cincinnati Digestive Health Center, a three year research scholar award in neuroenteric disease from the American Gastroenterology Association - Athena Troxel Blackburn and a NIH K99 Career Development Award.
- Joining INSERM 1235 in Nantes, France. In 2017, I have been recruited as a junior assistant professor (Inserm CRCN) to establish a research program on the effects of the enteric nervous system on intestinal development using innovative approaches.
Informations complémentaires
Mis à jour le 07 mars 2025.