Personnel de l'université

Mary Catherine LAVISSIERE

Maîtresse de conférences / Associate Professor Co-coordinatrice du Crini-Thème 2 / Co-director of CRINI- Research Team 2 Porteuse/Principle Investigator - Lexhnology ANR-22-CE38-0004


0253522783 (n° interne : 442783)

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Langue de spécialité/language for specific purposes (M2/M1/L2) - Law, Logistics

Thèmes de recherche

langue de spécialité/language for specific purposes; linguistique/linguistics; didactique/second language learning; morphosyntaxe/morphosyntax; analyse du discours/discourse analysis

Activités / CV

Lexhnology ANR-22-CE38-0004 (2022-2027), Nantes Université -CRINI, Lavissière, M.C. (principle investigator), Boulton, A, Hartwell, L, Hernandez, N., Dahm, J., Dufour. R, Jacquin C., Monceaux-Cachard, L., 48 months - January 2023 - July 2025, 511 958 euros.

LingLexNumériCorps (2021) – Corpus Juridique Annoté Amorçage Grant. Maison des sciences de l’homme – Ange –Guépin, 12 months, 2000 euros.

Works in progress
Lavissière, M.C. HDR. Changes and interfaces in maritime contracts: the dynamics of specialized genres. Routledge – Taylor and Francis Group.
Lavissière, M.C., “The dissent, however, is only a dissent”. Diachronic representation of the dissent in SCOTUS opinions
Lavissière, M.C., “Notwithstanding its professed keen interest in precedent”: judicial opinions as dialogic texts

Lavissière, M.C., Boulton, A., Bonnard, W. Integrating a Swalesean move analysis in reading legal texts
Lavissière, M.C., Bonnard, W. Who’s really got the right moves? Analyzing recommendations for writing American judicial opinions.
Lavissière, M.C., Agreements, authorities, and time: changes to agreement authority article in maritime agreements. Macrostructural variation in contracts.

McAllister, J., Lavissière, M.C. (2023) Sketching out a new path for ESP: Sketch Engine as a language learning tool in LEA.

Vo, L-C., Lavissière, M. C., Lavissière. A, Alcaraz, José M. (2023) “Commit professional suicide or take up my pilgrim’s staff again?”: A cultural examination of how female managers resolve shock events in developing regions, Human Relations.

Lavissière, M. C., Hill, R. (2023) Improper Alien Entry on Trial: the uncomfortable linguistic past of 8 U.S.C. § 1325 and 1326 From Fear to Hate: Legal-Linguistic Perspectives on Migration. Foundations in Law and Language series, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston.

Lavissière, M.C. (2023) Legal Macrodivisions and the Digital Age. The Digital (R)evolution of Legal Discourse. Foundations in Law and Language series, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston Sous presse.

Condor, R., Lavissière, M.C., (2023) Les logiques d’action des nouvelles formes d’agriculture », Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine, Février(1), 111–134.

Vo, L.C., Lavissière, M. C., Lavissière, A. (2022) Retaining talent in the maritime sector by creating a work-family balance logic: Implications from women managers navigating work and family. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management,

Lavissière, M.C., Fedi, L. (2022) Maritime Maritime Cooperative Working Agreements: variability as a proxy for legal atomization. Fachsprache. 44(3–4), Article 3–4.

 Lavissière, M. C. (2022) « Data-driven learning and professional culture: Using textometry to analyze organizations in applied foreign language programs ». ASp, 82, Article 82.

Fedi, L, Lavissière, M.C. Lavissière, A. (2022) Taking maritime shipping agreements out of the box. Maritime Policy & Management.

Lavissière, M.C. (2022) Le futur du dialogue: le submorphème -r- dans la poésie dialoguante du Cancionero de Baena (F. Bravo, Ed.), Approches submorphémiques de l’espagnol : pour une poétique du signifiant, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 231-254.

Lavissière, M. C., & Rosemeyer, M. (2022). Reforming the Spanish Future Subjunctive: Linguistics and Legal Language Policy. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue
Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique, 35(2), 649–673.

Vo, L.C., Lavissière, M. C., Lavissière, A. (2021) Weathering Work-Family Conflict: an analysis and model of shock event resolution, 81st Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best Paper Proceedings.

Lavissière, M.C. (2021) Deux futurs du subjonctif : la forme en -re dans les textes juridiques castillans et portugais. Aspects actuels de la linguistique comparée des langues romanes (espagnol1, français, italien, portugais, roumain) – Actes de LICOLAR 2020, 4-6 Nov. 2020.

Lavissière, M.C. (2021) French Legal Linguistics Seminar, Conference Report. The International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse.

Lavissière, A., Sohier, R., Lavissière, M.C. (2020) Transportation Systems in the Arctic: a systematic literature review using textometry. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

Duymedjian, R., Germain, O., Ferrante, G., Lavissière, M. C. (2020) The role of the entrepreneurial encounter in the emergence of opportunities: Vallée’s Dallas Buyers Club. In C. Farias, P. Fernández, D. Hjorth, & R. Holt (Eds.), Organizational entrepreneurship, politics and the political. 605-622.

Lavissière, M.C. (2019) Lack of Agreement and Hybrid Si Clauses in Spanish Legal Literature, Travaux Linguistiques du CerLiCO, (G. Col, S. Hanote, & Cercle linguistique du Centre et de l’Ouest. Colloque, Eds.), 29, 109-132, Rennes, France: Presses universitaires de Rennes.

Lavissière, M.C. (2019) Chronomorphosyntax: an analysis of the –re form and –se forms in si clauses in the Siete Partidas, Signifiances, 2(1), 269-290. DOI :

Duymedjian, R., Germain, O., Lavissière, M.C., Ferrante, G. (2019) The role of the entrepreneurial encounter in the emergence of opportunities: Vallée's Dallas Buyers Club, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 31 (7-8), 605-622. DOI:

Mandjak, T., Lavissière, A., Hofmann, J., Bouchery, Y., Lavissière, M. C., Faury, O., & Sohier, R. (2019). Port marketing from a multidisciplinary perspective: A systematic literature review and lexicometric analysis. Transport Policy, 84, 50-72. DOI:
Mis à jour le 06 février 2025.