
SEB (Soutien Epidémiologie et Biostatistiques) CHU Nantes 85, rue Saint Jacques 44093 Nantes Cedex 01


Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Epidémiologie, Biostatistiques, Informatique Medicale

Thèmes de recherche

ROP (Regression OPtimisée), Méthodes de scoring Epidémiologie du Mélanome

Informations complémentaires

The ROP model is a tree of linear combinations of predictors. It is a nonparametric and nonlinear model that combines linear regressions and a classification. Each node is represented by a set of risk scores. The estimation of the coefficients depends on the new algorithm, for which a patent has been filed.  The ROP model results are presented as a decision tree that is easy to understand, interpret and use. This decision tree is a shortcut of the cascade of events that lead to the outcome. The ROP model allow to identify subjects carrier of unknown significant predictor is interesting for the development of new hypotheses and could better explain the role of each predictor on the outcome.

Mis à jour le 28 mai 2024.