Academic staff
Jean-Michel BOULER
Full-Professor Director of CEISAM Research InstituteCoordonnées
CEISAM UMR 6230 CNRS - Université de Nantes 2 Rue de la Houssinière BP 92208 44322 NANTES CEDEX 3
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- N°216 - 2 rue de Houssinière - BP 92208 - 44322 NANTES Cedex 3
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- 0251125716 (n° interne : 455716)
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Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
Thèmes de recherche
Activités / CV
Jean-Michel Bouler (56 years old) was appointed as full-Professor in the Department of Materials Science (Dental College - University of Nantes) in September 2005 after serving as Assistant-Professor since 1999. Prof. Bouler completed a BSc and a MSc in chemistry respectively at University of Nantes, France and University of Wales, U.K. before joining a Biomaterials Research Center at INSERM to study for a PhD in bioceramics.
Prof. Bouler was then asked to run the BIOMAT Group within an INSERM Unit focused in Bone & Dental Tissue Engineering from 1999 till 2014. Then he joined a large CNRS research unit (CEISAM UMR 6230, where he develops hybrid CaP biomaterials able to release specific therapeutic agents. Areas of particular interest in the Group include the synthesis and characterisation of novel drug-combined calcium phosphate matrices with the objective of systematically studying the biological effects of the association of various drugs and/or ions with calcium phosphate biomaterials. Research in this field was funded through numerous ANR Programs involving academic laboratories, clinical centers and private companies. These collaborations have led to 9 patents and patent applications and some specific systems are now being taken forward to clinical applications and CE/FDA markings.
Since january 2017, Prof Bouler was appointed Director of CEISAM Research Institute.
Jean-Michel Bouler has been consulting for orthopaedics major companies for more than 15 years and has co-funded three biotech companies (Biomatlante in 1995, Graftys in 2005 and Biomadvanced Diagnostics in 2021).
Jean-Michel Bouler has been involved in several scientific panels evaluating biomaterials programs for Agence Nationale pour la Recherche' (ANR, France), Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia' (FCT, Portugal) and for 6th / 7th European Frame Programs.
Scientific record (Scopus, Jul 2024)
more than 130 original or review articles in international peer-reviewed journals
Sum of the times cited without self-citations : > 7000
h Index = 53
9 patent clusters
5 Selected publications:
JM. Bouler, P. Pilet, O. Gauthier, E. Verron ‘Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Ceramics for Bone Reconstruction: a review of reported biological response’ Acta Biomater. (2017) 15;53:1-12 (IF:7.242)
C. Mellier, F. Fayon, V. Schnitzler, O. Gauthier, F. Boukhechba, E. Verron, D. Massiot, P. Janvier, J.-M. Bouler, Bruno Bujoli ‘Design and properties of novel gallium-doped injectable apatitic cements’ Acta Biomater. (IF: 6.025) (2015) 24:322-32
J. Zhang, W. Liu, V. Schnitzler, F. Tancret, J.-M. Bouler ‘Calcium phosphate cements for bone substitution: chemistry, handling and mechanical properties’ Acta Biomater. (IF: 6.025) (2014) 10(3): 1035-49
E. Verron, M-L Pissonnier, V. Schnitzler, B.H. Fellah, J. Lesoeur, P. Pilet, H. Pascal-Moussellard, O. Gauthier, J.-M. Bouler ‘Vertebroplasty using bisphosphonate-loaded calcium phosphate cement in a standardized vertebral body bone defect on an osteoporotic sheep model’ Acta Biomater. (IF: 6.025) (2014) 10(11):4887-95.
V. Schnitzler, F. Fayon, C. Despas, I. Khairoun, C. Mellier, T. Rouillon, D. Massiot, A. Walcarius, P. Janvier, O. Gauthier, G. Montavon, J.-M. Bouler, B. Bujoli ‘Investigation of alendronate-doped Apatitic Cements as a Potential Technology for the Prevention of Osteoporotic Hip Fractures. Critical Influence of the Drug Introduction Mode on the In Vitro Cement Properties.’ Acta Biomater (IF:6.025) (2011) 7(2):759-70