Incoming Exchange Students: Class Catalogue
The class catalogue is being updated. Please build your study contract starting April 1st,2025.
In the meantime, you can still consult it.
Are you an international exchange student who needs to complete a learning agreement?
The information below will help you fill in your learning agreement for Nantes Université.
Filling out your learning agreement
1. Your chosen field of study must figure in the exchange agreement
2. Refer to the description of our departments and classes to make your selection
3. At least 70 % of your course load must be in a field of study that figures in the exchange agreement.
Please note that for the Faculty of Science and Technology, you are strongly advised to choose 100% of your courses in the same programme.
4. Full course load for 1 semester = 30 ECTS
Full course load for 1 year = 60 ECTS
Good to Know
1. You have access to undergraduate and graduate (1st year Master's program classes). You can mix the different levels of courses: L1, L2, L3 and Master.
2. Degree LMD : L = Licence (3 year Bachelor's Degree); M = Master (1 to 2 year Master's Degree); D = Doctorat (PhD Program)
3. ECTS = The European system of the number of credits assigned to a class
4. CM = Cours magistraux (Lecture classes)
TD = Travaux dirigés (Seminar)
TP = Travaux pratiques (Laboratory)
2. Degree LMD : L = Licence (3 year Bachelor's Degree); M = Master (1 to 2 year Master's Degree); D = Doctorat (PhD Program)
3. ECTS = The European system of the number of credits assigned to a class
4. CM = Cours magistraux (Lecture classes)
TD = Travaux dirigés (Seminar)
TP = Travaux pratiques (Laboratory)
Attention: Classes for the departments listed below are not accessible through the online class catalogue. Please refer to our website - here - for more information on available classes and use the learning agreement template European exchanges and Non-European Exchanges.
Faculté d'Odontologie
IUT de Nantes
IUT de la Roche-sur-Yon
Polytech Nantes
Mis à jour le 28 mars 2025.