GREEANCAP is a project cofounded by the Erasmus + program – KA2 Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education. The consortium includes 3 European partner institutions (Nantes Université,Syddansk universitet, Université de Vigo) and 4 Cambodian partner institutions (Royal University of Law and Economics, National University of Management, Institute of Technology of Cambodia, University of Battambang).

The project is coordinated by the Nantes Université, at the LEMNA laboratory, by Lionel LEMIALE.

The GREENCAP project aims at supportting capacity building in Cambodia and particularly focuses on enhancing green capability in universities to foster sustainable development in Cambodia.

Objectives and activities

The objective of the project is to improve the quality of study programs, build capacity in the field of research for Cambodian higher education institutions in the field of sustainable development and boost student employability. GREENCAP is based on two main pillars:

  • Increasing awareness of green business among students
  • Improving student’s employability for existing and future green jobs

It is widely recognized that transition to a green economy is going to come along with a change in the nature of work and skills needed by the society. The pathway to a green economy involves jobs and skills evolution which cannot be achieved without a strong cooperation between higher education institutions and the socio-economic world.
This cooperation will more precisely take place within the following activities, among others:

  • Development of practical insights on course curriculum and research, so that universities can produce skilled “green” manpower matching economic sector needs
  • Creation of specific courses and diploma (BSc and / MSc) related to green growth given that modernization & internationalization of the courses are urgently needed to achieve the Cambodian government environmental strategy
  • Creation of job fair and career centers dedicated to green jobs
  • Promoting dialogue between economic sector, HEI and institution through conference dedicated to green business

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Erasmus + Capacity-building projects

Erasmus + Capacity-building projects in the field of higher education support the modernisation, accessibility and internationalisation of higher education in Partner Countries.

The main priorities of the projects are:

  • the development and improvement of curricula,
  • the improvement of the higher education and training quality,
  • the improvement of governance systems,
  • the development of relations between higher education systems and society.

Read more on the EACEA webpage.

Mis à jour le 10 janvier 2024.