Personnel de l'université

François PARIS

Directeur de Recherche Inserm Responsable de l'équipe "Radiobiologie et ciblage de l'endothélium"


Laboratoire de Radiobiologie et ciblage de l'endothélium, CRNCA, UMR INSERM 892 - CNRS 6299, IRS UN, 8 quai moncousu, 44007 Nantes Cedex

IRS UN, bureau 429, 8 quai moncousu, 44007 Nantes
0228080302 (n° interne : 320302)
Site internet

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)


Thèmes de recherche

Radiobiologie Radiothérapie Angiogénèse biolochimie des lipides

Activités / CV

François E. Paris, Ph.D.

Head of Radiobiology of vascular and angiogenic laboratory

INSERM 892 Unit, Cancer Research Center, 8 quai Moncousu, 44047 Nantes Cedex 01


2011               INSERM Director
2002               INSERM Researcher tenure
1998               Ph.D. of Biology, Nantes University
1993               2nd year of M.Sc,topic Radiobiology, Paris VI University.1992               1st year of M.Sc.,topic Biophysic and Cellular Biology, Paris VI University
1991               B.Sc., Topic Molecular andCellular Biology, Nantes University

Professional Experiences
2007 -pres.   Head of Endothelium Radiobiologyand targeting laboratory, Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie Inserm UMR892,Nantes, France
2004 -pres.   Project Manager in TranslationalResearch in Radiotherapy,  RenéGauducheau Anti-Cancer Hospital, Nantes, France
2002 -pres.   Researcher (Chargé de Recherche INSERM,CR1), INSERM UMR601,  Nantes, France
1998 - 01       Post-Doctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Signal Transduction andDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Institute, New York,USA
1995 - 98       Ph.D. Student, Laboratories of applied Radiobiology andMolecular Radiobiology, CEA-CNRS, Fontenay aux Roses, France
1994               Trainer,Laboratory of DNA Repair and Mutagenesis, MRC Radiobiology, Didcot, UK
1993               Master Student, Laboratory of toxicology, CNRS-CurieInstitute, Paris, France


US patents on New Il-11 muteins October 2003; Ref US60/490,525

International patents on GB3 as markers ofangiogenesis June 2011, V/R: 20106CVR60485; N/R: 245608-D29067

37 Publications dont:

1.        Garcia-Barros M, Paris F, Cordon-Cardo C, Lyden D, Rafii S,Haimovitz-Friedman A, Fuks Z, Kolesnick R. Tumor response to radiotherapyregulated by endothelial cell apoptosis. Science. 2003;300(5622): 1155-9.

2.         Paris F, Perez GI, Haimovitz-Friedman A, Nguyen H, Fuks Z,Bose M, Iligan A, Hunt P, Morgan WF, Tilly JL, Kolesnick R. Sphingosine1-phosphate preserves fertility in irradiated female without propagatinggenomic damage in offspring. Nature Medicine. 2002; 8 (9):901-902

3.        Paris F, Fuks Z, KangA, Capodieci P, Juan G, Ehleiter D, Haimovitz-Friedman A, Cordon-Cardo C,Kolesnick R. Endothelial apoptosis is the primary lesion initiating radiationdamages to the intestines. Science, 2001; 293 (5528): 293-97

4.     Paris F, Grassme H,Cremesti A, Zagger J, Fong Y, Haimovitz-Friedman A, Fuks Z, Gulbins E,Kolesnick R. Natural ceramide reverses Fas resistance of acid sphingomyelinase-/-hepatocytes. Journal of Biological Chemistry,2000; 276 (11): 8297-305

5.       Morita Y, PerezGI, Paris F, Miranda SR, Ehleiter D,Haimovitz-Friedman A, Fuks Z, Xie Z, Reed JC, Schuchman EH, Kolesnick RN, TillyJL. Oocyte apoptosis is suppressed by disruption of the acid sphingomyelinasegene or by sphingosine-1-phosphate therapy. Nature Medicine,2000; 6 (10):1109-14

6.      Ch'ang HJ, Maj JG, Paris F, Xing HR,Haimovitz-Friedman A, Cardon-Cardo C, Kolesnick R, Fuks Z. ATM regulates targetswitching to escalating doses of radiation in the Intestines. Nature Medicine. 2005; 11(5):484-90

7.      Bonnaud S, Niaudet C, Pottier G, Gaugler MH, MillourJ, Barbet J, Sabatier L, Paris F. Sphingosine-1-Phophate protectsproliferating endothelial cells from ceramide-induced apoptosis, but not fromDNA damage-induced mitotic death. Cancer Research. 2007;67(4):1803-11.

8.      Gaugler MH, Neunlist M, Aubert P, Bonaud S,Benderitter M, Paris F. Intestinal epithelial cell dysfunction ismediated by an endothelial specific radiation-induced bystander effect. RadiationResearch. 2007; 167: 185-93

9.      Kraeber-Bodéré F,  Bodet-Milin C,  Niaudet C, Saï-Maurel C, Moreau A, Faivre-Chauvet A, Thomare P, Deleris G,Estieu-Gionnet K, Bikfalvi A, Barbet J, Paris F. Comparative  toxicity and  efficacy  of combined  radioimmunotherapy  and antiangiogenic therapy in CEA-expressing medullary thyroid cancerxenograft. J Nucl. Med. 2010;51(4):624-31.

10.      Bonnaud S, Niaudet C, LegouxF, Corre I, Delpon G, Saulquin X, Fuks Z, Gaugler MH, Kolesnick R, Paris F.Sphingosine-1-phosphate activates the AKT pathway to protect smallintestines from radiation-induced endothelial apoptosis. Cancer Res. 2010;70(23):9905-15

11.      CorreI., Niaudet C., Paris F.  Plasma membrane signaling induced by ionizingradiation. Mutation Research. 2010; 704(1-3):61-67

12.     Kumar A, Oskouian B, Fyrst H, Zhang M, Paris F and Saba JD. S1P lyase regulates DNA damage responsesthrough a novel sphingolipid feedback mechanism. Cell Death and Disease2011; 2, e119

13.      Alvarez-Rueda N, Desselle A, Cochonnu D, Chaumette T,Clemenceau B, Leprieur S, Bougras G, Supiot S, Mussini JM, Barbet J, Saba J, Paris F, Aubry J, Birkle S. AMonoclonal Antibody to O-Acetyl-GD2 Ganglioside and Not to GD2 Shows PotentAnti-Tumor Activity without Peripheral Nervous System Cross-Reactivity.  PlosOne; 2010 6(9):e25220.

14.      Desselle A, Chaumette T, Marie-Hélène Gaugler MH, Cochonneau D, Fleurence J, Dubois N,Hulin P, Aubry J, Birklé S, Paris F. Anti-Gb3 monoclonal antibodyinhibits angiogenesis and tumor development. Plos One. 2012;7(11):e45423

15.     PotironV, Abderrhamani R, Giang E, Chiavassa S, Di Tomaso E, Maira S-M, Paris F, Supiot S.Radiosensitization of prostate cancer cells by the dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitorBEZ235 under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Radiat Onc. In press

16.      Cochonneau D, Terme M,  Michaud A, Dorvillius M, Gautier N, FrickecheJ, Alvarez-Rueda N, Bougras G, Aubry J, ParisF, Birklé S. Cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induced byO-Acetyl-GD2-specific monoclonal antibody 8B6 inhibits tumor growth in vitroand in vivo. Cancer Letters. In press

17.      Birklé S, Desselle A,Chaumette T, Gaugler M.H, Cochonneau D, Fleurence J, Dubois N, HulinP, Aubry J, and Paris F. Inhibitionof tumor angiogenesis by globotriaosyl ceramide Gb3 immunotargeting.Oncoimmunology. In press

Mis à jour le 07 octobre 2024.