Personnel de l'université


Maître de conférences
Chercheur à l'Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique (GeM)
Enseignant au département Génie Civil Polytech Nantes
Responsable pédagogique de la 3ème année du département Génie Civil


Polytech Nantes, site de Gavy
Boulevard de l'université
44603 Saint-Nazaire
GeM, Site de Heinlex
58 rue Michel-Ange
44606 Saint-Nazaire

site de Heinlex, bureau 17.227 (recherche)
0272648721 (n° interne : 478721)
Bureau 2
site de Gavy, bureau 207 (enseignement)
Site internet

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

  • mécanique des milieux continus
  • micromécanique
  • construction bois
  • construction mixte acier-béton
  • mécanique non-linéaire
  • dynamique des structures
  • statistiques et probabilités
  • algorithmique et programmation

Thèmes de recherche

Modélisation multi-échelles pour l'étude des milieux poreux (propriétés mécaniques et transferts de fluides)

Publications scientifiques : voir
  • Articles publiés dans des revues internationales
  1. J. Atallah, F. Bignonnet, H. Ranaivomanana, S. Bonnet (2024) An analytical model for the long term slag hydration kinetics in slag blended cement established from a large experimental database. Construction and Building Materials, 448, 138160. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.138160
  2. N.-S. Nguyen, F. Bignonnet (2023) Numerical estimation of the permeability of granular soils using the DEM and LBM or FFT-based fluid computation method. Granular Matter, 53, doi:10.1007/s10035-023-01330-1
  3. C. Bouby, L. Morin, F. Bignonnet, L. Dormieux, D. Kondo (2023) On the thermodynamics consistency of Gurson’s model and its computational implications. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 279, 112359, doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2023.112359
  4. M. N.-E. Hamdadou, F. Bignonnet, W. Deboucha, H. Ranaivomanana, N. Leklou, K. Arroudj (2023) Hydration, mechanical and transfer properties of blended cement pastes and mortars prepared with recycled powder or limestone filler. Journal of Building Engineering, 78, pp.107541, doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2023.107541
  5. N. Reuge, F. Bignonnet, S. Bonnet (2023) Sensitivity analysis of a physicochemical model of chloride ingress into real concrete structures subjected to long-term exposure to tidal cycles. Applied Ocean Research, 138, 103622, doi:10.1016/j.apor.2023.103622
  6. A. Yammine, M. Hamdadou, N. Leklou, F. Bignonnet, M. Choinska-Colombel (2022) Effect of recycled concrete aggregates and recycled filler on delayed ettringite formation: An experimental study compared to chemical modelling, Cement and Concrete Composites, 132, pp. 104636, doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2022.104636
  7. F. Bignonnet (2022) Micromechanical schemes for Stokes to Darcy homogenization of permeability based on generalized Brinkman inhomogeneity problems, International Journal of Engineering Science, 172, pp. 103622, doi:10.1016/j.ijengsci.2021.103622
  8. F. Bignonnet (2020) Efficient FFT-based upscaling of the permeability of porous media discretized on uniform grids with estimation of RVE size, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 369, pp. 113237, doi:10.1016/j.cma.2020.113237
  9. A. Yammine, N. Leklou, M. Choinska, F. Bignonnet, J.-M. Mechling (2020) DEF damage in heat cured mortars made of recycled concrete sand aggregate. Construction and Building Materials, 252, pp. 119059, doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.119059
  10. J.-F. Barthélémy, F. Bignonnet (2020) The Eshelby problem of the confocal N-layer spheroid with imperfect interfaces and the notion of equivalent particle in thermal conduction. International Journal of Engineering Science, 150, pp.103274, doi:10.1016/j.ijengsci.2020.103274
  11. M. Achour, F. Bignonnet, J.-F. Barthélémy, E. Rozière, O. Amiri (2020) Multi-scale modeling of the chloride diffusivity and the elasticity of Portland cement paste. Construction and Building Materials, 234, pp.117124, doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117124
  12. F. Bignonnet (2018) Upper Bounds on the Permeability of Random Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, 122 (1), pp. 57-76, doi:10.1007/s11242-017-0989-7
  13. M. Achour, O. Amiri, F. Bignonnet, E. Roziere (2018) Influence of carbonation on ionic transport in unsaturated concrete: evolution of porosity and prediction of service life. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. doi:10.1080/19648189.2018.1455609
  14. L. Jeannin, F. Bignonnet, F. Agostini, Y. Wang (2018) Stress effects on the relative permeabilities of tight sandstones. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 350 (3), pp. 110-118, doi:10.1016/j.crte.2017.09.018
  15. F. Bignonnet, G. Hassen, L. Dormieux (2016) Fourier-based strength homogenization of porous media. Computational Mechanics, 58 (5), pp. 833-859, doi:10.1007/s00466-016-1319-6
  16. F. Bignonnet, Z. Duan, P. Egermann, L. Jeannin, F. Skoczylas (2016) Experimental measurements and multi-scale modelling of the relative gas permeability of a caprock. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 71 (55), doi:10.2516/ogst/2016007
  17. F. Bignonnet, L. Dormieux, D. Kondo (2016) A micro-mechanical model for the plasticity of porous granular media and link with the Cam clay model. International Journal of Plasticity, 79, pp. 259-274, doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2015.07.003
  18. F. Bignonnet, L. Dormieux, E. Lemarchand (2015) Strength of a matrix with elliptic criterion reinforced by rigid inclusions with imperfect interfaces. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 52, pp. 95-106, doi:10.1016/j.euromechsol.2015.02.003
  19. F. Bignonnet, K. Sab, L. Dormieux, S. Brisard, A. Bisson (2014) Macroscopically consistent non-local modeling of heterogeneous media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 278, pp. 218-238, doi:10.1016/j.cma.2014.05.014
  20. F. Bignonnet, L. Dormieux (2014) FFT-based bounds on the permeability of complex microstructures. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 38 (16), pp. 1707-1723, doi:10.1002/nag.2278
  21. J. Nadah, F. Bignonnet, C.A. Davy, F. Skoczylas, D. Troadec, S. Bakowski (2013) Micro-structure and poro-mechanical performance of Haubourdin chalk. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 58, pp. 149-165, doi:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2012.11.001

Activités / CV

Publications scientifiques
  • Communications dans des congrès internationaux avec actes
  1. M. N.-E. Hamdadou, N. Leklou, H. Ranaivomanana, F. Bignonnet (2022) Comparative study of mechanical properties and heat of hydration of fine recycled aggregates and limestone fillers cement mortars. NOMAD 2022 - 4e conférence internationale francophone Nouveaux Matériaux et Durabilité, IMT Mines Alès; LMGC; LIFAM, Nov 2022, Montpellier, France.
  2. A. Yammine, F. Bignonnet, N. Leklou, M. Choinska (2020) Micromechanical modelling of damage induced by delayed ettringite formation in concrete. MATBUD'2020 Scientific-Technical Conference: E-mobility, Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 19-21 October 2020, Cracow, Poland
  3. A. Yammine, F. Bignonnet, N. Leklou, M. Choinska, T. Stryszewska (2019) Micromechanical modelling of damage induced by delayed ettringite formation. FraMCoS-X: 10th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, doi:10.21012/FC10.233150
  4. M. Achour, O. Amiri, F. Bignonnet, E. Rozière (2019) Modelling the coupled transport carbonation-chloride in concrete by multiscale approach. Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019: Concrete - Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures, pp. 2183-2190, isbn:978-2-940643-00-4
  5. M. Achour, O. Amiri, F. Bignonnet, E. Rozière (2018) Numerical study of chloride ingress in concrete: effect of exposure concentration. SynerCrete’18 International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches for Cement-based Materials and Structural Concrete, RILEM Proceedings PRO 121, pp. 603-608, isbn:978-2-35158-203-9, doi:10.5281/zenodo.1405563
  6. M. Achour, O. Amiri, F. Bignonnet, E. Rozière (2018) Numerical study of the effect of moisture on chloride and carbon dioxide transport in concrete. Proceedings of the 12th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, pp. 1065-1070, isbn:978-80-01-06401-6
  7. F. Bignonnet, P. Egermann*, Z. Duan, L. Jeannin, F. Skoczylas (2016) Experimental caracterisation of the relative gas permeability of low permeability rocks. 30th International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Snowmass, Colorado USA, August 21-26th 2016.
  8. F. Bignonnet*, Z. Duan, P. Egermann, L. Jeannin, F. Skoczylas (2015) Experimental measurements and multi-scale modelling of the relative gas permeability of a clay-rich tight carbonate. Low permeability media and nanoporous materials from characterisation to modelling: can we do it better? IFPEN / Rueil-Malmaison, June 9-11th 2015
  9. F. Bignonnet, K. Sab*, L. Dormieux, S. Brisard, A. Bisson (2014) Macroscopically consistent filtered elasticity tensor fields of heterogeneous media. 11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI) IACM-ECCOMAS, Barcelona, July 20-25th 2014.
  10. F. Bignonnet*, L. Dormieux (2014) Numerical and analytical homogeneization of the permeability of porous media. 11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI) IACM-ECCOMAS, Barcelona, July 20-25th 2014.
  11. F. Bignonnet*, L. Dormieux (2013) FFT-Based Homogenization of Permeability Using a Hashin-Shtrikman Type Variational Framework. In : C. Hellmich, B. Pichler, D. Adam (Eds.) Poromechanics V : Proceedings of the Fifth Biot Conference on Poromechanics, Vienna, July 10-12th 2013 - ISBN : 978-0-7844-1299-2, ASCE, pp. 1245-1254, doi:10.1061/9780784412992.149
  • Communications dans des congrès nationaux avec actes
  1. M. Achour, O. Amiri, F. Bignonnet, E. Rozière (2020) Prédiction de la durée de vie du béton soumis à des sollicitations couplées carbonatation-chlorures. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 35(1), pp. 9-12, doi:10.26168/ajce.35.1.3
  2. F. Bignonnet*, L. Dormieux (2012) Détermination de bornes numériques par FFT pour la perméabilité. In : F. Skoczylas, C.A. Davy, F. Agostini, N. Burlion (Eds.) Transfert 2012, Colloque national sur les propri et es de transfert des géomatériaux, Lille, 20-22 Mars 2012. - ISBN : 978-2-915913-28-6, pp. 263-272.
  • Communications dans des colloques sans actes
  1. F. Bignonnet*, Z. Duan, P. Egermann, L. Jeannin, F. Skoczylas (2015) Relative gas permeability of tight rocks: experimental and micromechanical study. MAI workshop Micromechanics of cementitious materials, September 14-15th, 2015 Materials Ageing Institute EDF R&D-EDF Lab les Renardières
  • 2006-2009 Ingénieur Civil de l'Ecole des Mines de Paris.
  • 2011-2014 Docteur de l'Université Paris Est, école doctorale SIE : Sciences Ingénierie Environnement, spécialité : Structures et Matériaux
Thèse : Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation micro-mécanique de la perméabilité et de la résistance de roches argileuses
Directeurs de thèse :
Luc Dormieux, Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees, Laboratoire Navier (UMR 8205), CNRS, ENPC, IFSTTAR, équipe Multi-échelles
Frédéric Skoczylas, Ecole Centrale Lille, Laboratoire de Mécanique de Lille (UMR 8107), équipe ER4 : Couplages thermo-hydromécaniques et chimiques

Lauréat du prix de thèse de l'Université Paris Est 2014, école doctorale SIE
Expérience professionnelle et recherche
  • 2015 ATER en Génie Civil, Ecole Centrale Lille
  • 2011 Stage de recherche en poro-mécanique, Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées et Ecole Centrale Lille
  • 2010 Ingénieur terrain (Solétanche-Bachy), chantier de reprise des fondations du barrage Wolf Creek Dam, Kentucky, USA
  • 2009 Stage de recherche en paléoclimatologie, Centre de Géosciences de l'Ecole des Mines de Paris, Fontainebleau
  • 2008 Stage ingénieur instrumentation géotechnique (Soldata) systèmes d'instrumentation automatisés pour chantiers urbain à Budapest, Hongrie et à Kiev, Ukraine
  • 2007 Stage de recherche en mécanique des structures, échange universitaire d'un semestre au MIT, Dept. Mechanics & Materials, Boston, USA

Informations complémentaires

GeM, Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique

Unités Thématiques de Recherche (2022 -  ) :  équipe (2015 - 2022) :
  • IEG : Interactions Eau-Géomatériaux
Mis à jour le 05 mars 2025.