Academic staff


Université : Administrative key features: - Director of the Master of Science in Civil Engineering (since 2010), 140 students; - Chair of the Scientific Committee of the French Scientific Network for Risk Management in Civil Engineering (2008-2010) and chair of the network since 2010; Steering Committee Member and WP Leader in EC projects (Medachs, Duratinet); - Steering committee Member of the Sea and Litoral research Institute -IUML - FR CNRS 3473, created in January 2012 and from 2017, director of this Institute with more than 600 researchers. Laboratoire : Responsable scientifique de 15 contrats en 15 ans. Co-encadrant ou directeur de 10 thèses. Membre du conseil scientifique des journées nationales "Fiabilité des matériaux et des structures" Directeur et membre du conseil scientifique du Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique "Maîtrise des Risques et Génie Civil" et représentant du Président au conseil d'administration de ce GIS.

Contact details

2 rue de la Houssinère BP 92208 44322 Nantes cedex 3

0251125522 (n° interne : 455522)

Taught academic discipline(s)

Discipline : Génie Civil - Mécaniquefiabilité des structures portuaires et marines - DEA de génie Civilfiabilité des structures offshore - IUP GCI troisième annéemodélisation, plasticité - IUP GCI troisième annéeRésitance des Matériaux : Licence de mécaniqueSécurité des Structures - IUP GCI première annéeMécanique des sols - Licence de Mécaniquematériaux avancés - IUP GCI troisième année

Research topics

stochastic modeling of degradation and inspection of materials, optimization of maintenance, risk assessment, structural health monitoring, reliability analysis.

Activities / Resume

Education and actual position:
- Former student of ENS Cachan School; PhD in Civil Engineering; 1996 Dr.; 2007 Accreditation to
supervise research (HDR); 2010 Professor; 2013 1st Class Professor; 2015 Exceptional Class
- Head of the TRUST Group (Monitoring, Reliability and Structural Computation at GeM), 40
people, University of Nantes, Fr. since 2010 and Chair of the Group: Material and Structure of the
CNRS Research Federation ‘Sea and Litoral Research Institute’ ; Marine Renewable Energy
advisor to President of Université de Nantes since 2014.

Scientific key features:
• Coordinator and key role in research projects:
• Coordinator of the French PPP MAREO (MAintenance and REpair of concrete coastal
structures: risk based Optimization) between 2008-2012 - participation to several EU
projects, e.g. MEDACHS (INTERREG IIIB Atlantic Area 2000-2006), DURATINET (Atlantic
Area Trans-national Cooperation Program 2007-2013) as member of Steering Committee
and member of management committee of H2020 projet ‘VoSHM: Quantifying the value of
structural health monitoring’ (COST action TU 1402) - Leader of the workpackage (#5/5)
“Reliability and Decision” of the project EVADEOS supported by the French National
Research Agency.
• Author of 50 papers in referenced journals, 19 papers in non referenced international
journals, Co-editor of 8 books and co-authos in chapters in 3 other books already
published and 3 commecial softwares.
• Reviewer of 30 international journals (about 70 papers).
• Involved in the scientific or organization committee of 20 internationnal and 20 national
• Director of 20 PhD thesis already denfended.

• BIOCOLMAR: monitoring of marine growth and material defect in maritime environment.
• Chlordetect: monitoring of choride content in porous materials.

• Valedictorian of the Civil Engineering teaching degree in 1992;
• Scientific collaboration prize at the MEDACHS’08 Conference (2008);
• Nominated for the K.B. Wood Award of subcomitee AFF40 of Transport Reserach Board
during TRB conference 2013, Washington, for the paper “Probabilistic Evaluation of Impact-
Echo Sources, O. Abraham, F. Schoefs” (800 papers, 50% setected for oral presentation,
182 published in proceedings et 5 nominates for the price): Award of subcomitee AFF40
of Transport Reserach Board awarded during the 2013 conference in Washington. ranked
3rd position in the Top Five most cited papers list of Structure and Infrastructure
Engineering (2009-2010);
• Knight of the French Order of the Academic Palms (2011);
• Reserach & Industry Award of the french Institute for Risk Management - IMdR (every
2 years, 500 participants) for the paper
Scientific expertise:
• French Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development ans Sea (scientific expertise
of a research project),
• French National Research Agency-ANR, (scientific expertise of a research project),
• National Research and Technology Association-ANRT, (scientific expertise of a PhD
• Higher Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher education – HCERES (visiting
• Canadian Ministrie of Research (scientific expertise of an individual project),
• Croatian Ministrie of Research (scientific expertise of a laboratory),
• French-Norvegian Foundation (scientific expertise of a research project),
• Regional Council of Aquitaine, France (scientific expertise of a research project),
• Structural Health Monitoring expert for ANDRA.

Additional information

5 most relevant publications: [1] Schoefs F., Clément A., Nouy A., ”Assessment of spatially dependent
ROC curves for inspection of random fields of defects”, Structural Safety, 31:5, September 2009, pp. 409-
419; [2] Schoefs F., “Sensitivity approach for modelling the environmental loading of marine structures
through a matrix response surface”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 93:7, 2008, pp. 1004-1017;
[3] Pakrashi V., Schoefs F., Memet J.B., O’Connor A., "ROC dependent event isolation method for image
processing based assessment of corroded harbour structures", Structure and Infrastructure Engineering),
6:03, pp. 365-378; [4] Bastidas-Arteaga E., Schoefs F., “Stochastic improvement of inspection and
maintenance of corroding reinforced concrete structures”, Engineering Structures, 41/August2012, pp. 50–
62, 2012; [5] Schoefs F., Boéro J., Clément A., Capra B., “The αδ method for modelling expert Judgment
and combination of NDT tools in RBI context : application to Marine Structures”, NSIE, 8:6, 2012.
Mis à jour le 18 September 2024.