Contact details

Polytech Nantes - Site de la Chantrerie rue Christian Pauc CS 50609 44306 Nantes cedex 3

Bâtiment Isitem, bureau E212
0240683149 (n° interne : 483149)

Taught academic discipline(s)

Bruno Auvity gives courses in the Thermal and Energy Sciences Dpt for engineering students in “Engineering Thermodynamics” and “Energy Systems” (L3 level),“Turbomachinery” (M1 level) and “Optimization of Energy Systems” (M2 level).

Research topics

His research activities are currently focused on heat and mass transport phenomena occurring in energy system with a special attention to PEM fuel cells. He has contributed to develop diagnostic techniques for the precise detection of PEMFC state-of-health based on multi-physics modeling and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Gas/liquid flows in porous media have also been of great interest as their better understanding and control may significantly contribute to PEMFC performances improvements.

Activities / Resume

Bruno AUVITY is a full professor at the Graduate School of Engineering of the University of Nantes (Polytech Nantes) since 2013. He is currently the Head of the Graduate Studies (Directeur de la Formation) since March 2019. He has served as Head of the Thermal and Energy Sciences Department of Polytech Nantes from 2014 till 2019. In 2009-2010, he was invited professor at CNR-ITAE (Messina, Italie) funded by a Marie-Curie IEF grant (#235386 - FP7-People).

In 2019, he was the General Chairman of FDFC 2019 (8th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells) that was held in the Nantes Event Center and hosted 200 participants. He served as guest editor in 2012 for a special issue in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy published in August 2013 related to EMHyTeC 2012. He was Member of the International Scientific Committee of the conference EMHyTeC 2014 in Taormina (Italy) in December 2014. He is member of the International Scientific Committee of the conference series HYPOTHESIS (XII in Siracuse (Italy) in 2017, XIII in Syngapore in 2018, XIV in Fos do Iguacu (Brazil) in 2019 and XV in Cape Town ( South Africa) in 2020)

Pr. Bruno AUVITY is the authors of 30 publications in internal scientific journal and 55 communications in conferences and proceedings. He is the author and co-authors of 30 final contracts reports.

Recent publications in international peer-review journals:

CHEVALIER S., OLIVIER J-C, JOSSET C., and AUVITY B. “Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell operating in stoichiometric regime” Journal of Power Sources 440, 227100, 2019.

C BONNEAU, C JOSSET, V MELOT, B AUVITY “Comprehensive review of pure vapour condensation outside of horizontal smooth tubes » Nuclear Engineering and Design 349, 92-108, 2019.

CHEVALIER S., JOSSET C., and AUVITY B. “Analytical solution for the low frequency polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell impedance » Journal of Power Sources 407, 123-131, 2018.

CHEVALIER S., JOSSET C., and AUVITY B. “Analytical solutions and dimensional analysis of pseudo 2D current density distribution model in PEM fuel cells”, Renewable Energy, 125, pp. 738-746, 2018.

CHEVALIER S., JOSSET C., and AUVITY B. “Fluid dynamics breakthrough in two connected capillaries: from stationary to oscillating state”, Physics of Fluids, 29, 102102, 2017.

OLIVIER JC, WASSELYNCK G., CHEVALIER S., AUVITY B., JOSSET C. TRICHET D., SQUADRITO G. and BERNARD N. “Multiphysics modeling and optimization of the driving strategy of a light duty fuel cell vehicle , Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, vol. 42, pp. 26943-26955, 2017

CHEVALIER S., JOSSET C., BAZYLAK A. and AUVITY B. “Measurements of Air Velocities in Polymer Membrane Fuel Cell Channels using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy ”, Journal of Electrochemical Society, vol. 163(8), pp. F816-F823, 2016.

FLIPO G., JOSSET C., BELLETTRE B. and AUVITY B. “Clarifications on the surface wettability effects on two-phase flow patterns in PEMFC gas channels ”, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, vol. 41(34), pp. 15518-15527, 2016.
Mis à jour le 23 August 2024.