Academic staff
Research EngineerCoordonnées
Polytech'Nantes, LTeN, UMR 6607 Rue Ch. Pauc, BP 50606, 44306, Nantes, Cedex3 & RMeS-INSERM UMR 1229, 1, Place Alexis Ricordeau 44042, Nantes cedex 1, FRANCE
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- R116
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- 0240683156 (n° interne : 483156)
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Thèmes de recherche
Activités / CV
LTeN, UMR 6607
Rue Ch. Pauc, BP 50606,
44306, Nantes, Cedex3 &
1, Place Alexis Ricordeau
44042, Nantes cedex 1, FRANCE
E-Mail :
Post-doctoral position in Steve Shevell's Visual Science Laboratories, University of Chicago, IL, USA.
Study of Color perception, chromatic induction.
Implementation of an optical human eye model (C language) computing the retinal image.
Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science and Image processing at "Ecole Polytechnique de l'Universite de Nantes" (Nantes University Polytechnic, France).
On the subject "Digital image watermarking based on a psychovisual model". IRCCyN Lab. (Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernetique de Nantes.)
M.Sc in computer science and image processing, (I.R.E.S.T.E. Nantes, FRANCE).
B.Sc in electrical engineering, (University of Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE).
Research Engineer.
L'institut du thorax, INSERM UMR1087, CNRS UMR 6291, Nantes Université, Nantes FRANCE.
Research Engineer.
Ecole Polytechnique de l'Universite de Nantes, LTeN, Nantes FRANCE.
Research Engineer.
Ecole Polytechnique de l'Universite de Nantes, RMeS, Nantes FRANCE.
Research and development on Medical Imaging.
Research Engineer.
Ecole Polytechnique de l'Universite de Nantes, IRCCyN, Nantes FRANCE.
Research and development on digital watermarking, quality assessment, image coding, color perception, Image analysis.
Post-doctoral position in Steve Shevell's visual science Laboratories, University of Chicago, IL, USA.
Study of Color perception, chromatic induction.
Implementation of an optical human eye model (C language) computing the retinal image.
Participation in the French MEGALIS project, aiming in the secure transmission of medical images through networks. Nantes, FRANCE. Implementation of an image encryption free software with Pr. Guedon, EPUN, Nantes.
Research engineer in the French "AQUAMARS" project (MS. C training course / Ph. D studies) of the National Network for Telecommunications Research. Partners: Thales, Netimage, University of Compiegne, University of Grenoble, Eurecom Institute, ENST-Paris, EPUN-Nantes). Nantes, FRANCE.
Study and implementation of a Human Visual System Model (C language), adaptation of this model in a copyright protection technique.
Teaching (Ph. D Studies) in "Ecole polytechnique de l'Universite de Nantes", C language, Matlab, Java, Unix, Motif, Information theory, signal and image processing. Nantes, FRANCE
Ms.C. training course in S.E.I Lab. (Systemes Electroniques et Informatiques), IVC Team (Images and Video-Communications) I.R.E.S.T.E. NANTES. Subject: "Psychovisual model for image watermarking". Nantes, FRANCE.
Programming Languages: C/C++, Python, Matlab, JAVA, HTML.
Softwares: Matlab/Octave, Code Warrior, Xcode, Visual C++.
Operating Systems: Linux, UNIX, Apple, Windows.
IVC Webmaster from 2000 to 2002.
Informations complémentaires
Selected Publications
- F. Autrusseau and R. Nader, "Method for Recognizing Bifurcations in a Vascular Tree, Associated Methods and Devices" , Patent EP 22305928.8, submitted on June 27th 2022.
- I. Essadik, A. Nouri, R. Touahni, R. Bourcier, F. Autrusseau, "Automatic classification of the cerebral vascular bifurcations using dimensionality reduction and machine learning", in Elsevier Neuroscience Informatics, Sept. 2022.
- F. Autrusseau, R. Nader, et al., "Toward a 3D Arterial Tree Bifurcation Model for Intra-Cranial Aneurysm Detection and Segmentation", in ICPR, 2022.
- H. Hofbauer, F. Autrusseau and A. Uhl, "Low Quality and Recognition of Image Content", IEEE TMM, 2021.
- H. Hofbauer, F. Autrusseau & A. Uhl, "To Recognize or not to Recognize - A Database of Encrypted Images with Subjective Recognition Ground Truth", Elsevier Information Sciences, 2021.
- A. Nouri, F. Autrusseau et al., "Characterization of 3D Bifurcations in Micro-scan and MRA-TOF Images of Cerebral Vasculature for Prediction of Intra-Cranial Aneurysms", Elsevier CMIG 2020.
- V. L’Allinec, S. Chatel, M. Karakachoff, E. Bourcereau, Z. Lamoureux, A. Gaignard, F. Autrusseau, et al., "Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysm, prediction of evolution: The UCAN Project", Neurosurgery 2020.
- F. Autrusseau, A. Nouri and R. Bourcier, "Methods for Segmenting Digital Images, Devices and Systems for the Same", Eur. Patent 2020.
- J. Guillou, R. Bourcier, F. Autrusseau, "Brain Vasculature Segmentationbased on Human Perception Criteria", Medical Imaging 2020.
- A. Nouri, F. Autrusseau, et al., "3D bifurcations characterization for intra-cranial aneurysms prediction", Medical Imaging 2019.
- A. Nouri, F. Autrusseau, R. Bourcier, "Method for Locating and Characterizing Bifurcations of a Cerebral Vascular Tree, Associated Methods and Devices", Patent June 2020.
- H. Hofbauer, F. Autrusseau, A. Uhl, "To See or Not To See: Determining the Recognition Threshold of Encrypted Images", EUVIP 2018.
- P. Michel, V. Prezelin, P. Blery, Y. Amouriq, JP. Guédon, F. Autrusseau, "Automatic Generation of the Dental Scheme based on 2D radiographs", Medical Imaging 2018.
- N. Normand, JP. Guedon, F. Autrusseau, "Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery", Springer, 2016.
- L. Mahe, F. Autrusseau, et al., "Quality metrics can help the expert during neurological clinical trials", Medical Imaging 2016.
- F. Autrusseau, et al., "Linking bone microarchitecture to projections texture analysis", Medical Imaging 2016.
- M. Urvoy, F. Autrusseau, "Application of Grubbs' test for outliers do the detection of watermarks", ACM IH&MMSec, 2014.
- P. Blery, F. Autrusseau, et al., "Bone Vascularization: A Way To Study Bone Microarchitecture?", Medical Imaging 2014.
- M. Urvoy, D. Goudia, F. Autrusseau, "Perceptual DFT watermarking with improved detection and robustness to geometrical distortions", IEEE TIFS, 2014.
- T. Stuetz, F. Autrusseau, A. Uhl, "Non-Blind Structure-Preserving Substitution Watermarking of H.264/CAVLC Inter-Frames", IEEE TMM, 2014.
- F. Zhang, W. Jiang, F. Autrusseau, et al., "Exploring V1 by modeling the perceptual quality of images", JOV, 2014.
- W. Chen, Z. Shahid, T. Stuetz, F. Autrusseau, et al. "Robust drift-free bit-rate preserving H.264 watermarking", Springer MMS, 2014.
- F. Autrusseau, "Method for inserting a digital mark into an image, and corresponding method for detecting a digital mark in an image to be analysed", Patent, 2013.
- J. Dong, L. Su, Y. Zhang, F. Autrusseau, et al., "Illumination direction estimation of three-dimensional surface texture based on active basis and Mojette transform", SPIE JEI, 2012.
- F. Autrusseau, L. Thibos, S. Shevell, "Chromatic and Wavefront Aberrations: L-, M- and S-cone Stimulation with Typical and Extreme Retinal Image Quality", Vision Research, 2011.
- A. Sarkar, F. Autrusseau, et al., "From CIE 2006 Physiological Model to Improved Age-Dependent and Average Colorimetric Observers", JOSA-A, 2011.
- V. Pankajakshan & F. Autrusseau, "A Multi-purpose Objective Quality Metric for Image Watermarking", IEEE ICIP 2010.
- A. Kingston, B. Parrein, F. Autrusseau, "Multiresolution Mojette transform", "The Mojette transform: Theory & Applications", Wiley, 2009.
- A. Kingston, F. Autrusseau, "Lossless compression", "The Mojette transform: Theory & Applications", Wiley, 2009.
- A. Kingston, F. Autrusseau, et al., "Mojette based security", "The Mojette transform: Theory & Applications", Wiley, 2009.
- A. Sarkar, L. Blonde, P. Le Callet, F. Autrusseau, et al., "Study of Observer Variability in Modern Display Colorimetry: An Analysis of CIE 2006 Model », AIC 2009.
- P. Le Callet, F. Autrusseau, P. Campisi, "Visibility control and Quality assessment of watermarking and data hiding algorithms", in Multimedia Forensics & Security, 2008.
- A. Kingston, F. Autrusseau, "Lossless Image Compression via Predictive Coding of Discrete Radon Projections", Image Comm, 2008.
- F. Autrusseau, P. Le Callet, "A robust image watermarking technique based on quantization noise visibility thresholds", Signal Processing, 2007.
- F. Autrusseau, S. K. Shevell, "Temporal nulling of induction from spatial patterns modulated in time", Visual Neuroscience, 2006.
Medical Imaging (Research engineer position @ Univ. de Nantes, Polytech Nantes - RMeS lab. - FRANCE)
- Object detection/tracking,
- 3D segmentation,
- Computer Aided Diagnosis,
- Texture analysis...
Image and multimedia processing (Research engineer position @ Univ. de Nantes, Polytech Nantes - IRCCyN Lab - FRANCE)
- Lossless coding,
- Medical Imaging,
- Hand detection and tracking,
- Secure data transmission and storage,
- Quality assessment...
Psychology and visual sciences (Post-doc @ University of Chicago - Visual Science Laboratories - Chicago, IL - USA)
- Color perception,
- Chromatic adaptation,
- Color constancy,
- Retinal image computation,
- Optics of the eye...
Security, watermarking
Psychovisual aspects and Mojette Transform Applied to:
- Image watermarking,
- Encryption,
- Data integrity,
- Medical imaging...