Personnel de l'université


Full Professor (HdR)
Polytechnics Graduate School of Nantes University (Polytech'Nantes)
Computer Science departement


Polytech'Nantes - Site de la Chantrerie rue Christian Pauc BP 50609 44306 Nantes cedex 3

Bâtiment Ireste, bureau D204,
0240683092 (n° interne : 483092)
Site internet

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Computer Sciences

Thèmes de recherche

Knowledge Discovery in Databases (data Mining)
Knowledge quality (interestingness measures)
Knowledge visualization (interactive and visual mining of association rules)
Knowledge Management and Engineering (ontology matching)

Activités / CV

  • Education
  • 2006 : Habilitation (HdR) in Computer Science, university of Nantes, Polytech'Nantes.
  • 1995 : Ph.D in Computer Science, university of Rennes I.
  • 1989 : Ingénieur, National graduate School of Telecommunications (ENST de Bretagne).
  • 1987 : M.Sc. (Maîtrise) in Telecommunication, university of Rennes I.

  • Research responsibilities
  • [2003 to date] Founding member of the International French-speaking association of research « Knowledge Extraction and Management » (EGC).
  • [2003 to date] Member of the Steering committee of EGC Int. French-speaking conference "Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances" (EGC).
  • [2002-03] Co-leader the GafoQualité national research group (30 researchers, 10 teams) - STIC - CNRS. 4 meetings, 1 national research report.

  • Teaching responsibilities
  • [2009 to date] Responsible of the Master Erasmus Mundus EM-DMKM in Polytech'Nantes.
  • [2007 to date] Responsible of the Master ECD (MSc in Computer Sciences) in Polytech'Nantes (co-responsible from 2007 to 2009).
  • [2001 to date] Head of International Relations of the Computer Science departement, Polytech'Nantes.

Informations complémentaires

Please consult my homepage for further details :
Mis à jour le 23 août 2024.