
Personnel de l'université


Chargée de Recherche INSERM


CR2TI CHU Hotel Dieu 30 Bd Jean Monnet 44093 Nantes cedex 01

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Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Mononuclear phagocytes, ImmunoPathology, ImmunoVirology

Thèmes de recherche

  • Our team scientific activity is committed to basic and translational research and aims at better understanding the mechanisms of immune tolerance and the role of dendritic cells (DCs) in immunoregulation in order to identify new cellular and molecular therapeutic targets. Recently, the theme has then been expanded to the role of DCs and Mononuclear Phagocytes (MNP) in inflammatory diseases and in host-virus interactions in the context of transplantation and immunodepression.
  • We further developed new functional genomic approaches to better characterize MNP diversity and their role in immunopathology. This strategy to enlarge our research topics and expertise aimed to increase the interdisciplinarity of the team and allowed new funding opportunities (H2020, EU/ERA NET, ITN INSTRUCT, iSITE NEXT, ANRs). There is also a strong commitment to translational research and clinical development with filed patents and industrial partnerships.
  • Recently, we contributed to the understanding of the molecular basis of immunoregulatory MNP functions in transplantation (Cell Metabolism, 2019, Kidney International 2023), anti-tumor immunity (Cancer Cell 2019, Science Advances 2022) and inflammatory diseases (Cell 2019) as well macrophages in lung infection (Nature Immunology 2020). We also demonstrated our ability to translate some of our findings to the clinic (The Lancet 2020).
Specific projects:
CLEC-1 in MNPs : immunopathology and therapeutic potential (PI: E Chiffoleau): We recently showed that the innate C-type Lectin receptor CLEC-1 is a receptor of necrotic cells and acts as an immune checkpoint by limiting the cross-presentation of dead cell-associated antigens by cDC1 to CD8+ T cells (Drouin et al. Science Advances 2022) (Ligeron et al. The Journal of Immunology 2024). We now aim to study in depth the molecular mechanisms of CLEC-1 in cDC1 cross-presentation (cytokine and chemokine expression, phagosome maturation). Moreover, we aim to determine the role of CLEC-1 in MNP-induced immunosuppression in the context of cancer (partnership with OseImmunotherapeutics) and sepsis (collaboration C Jacqueline/A Roquilly/J Poschmann team 6) and to determine the therapeutic value and mechanisms of human CLEC-1 antagonists in preclinical models (ANR PRCE 2019-2023, ANR PRC 2023-2026, Région PdL (2023-2024), Fondation ARC 2023-2024, ANRT CIFRE OSEI (2023-2026)). Staff: C Ligeron (phD student CIFRE, 100% FTE), T Ogor (Postdoc 100%), E Merieau (AI, 15%).
Mis à jour le 20 décembre 2024.