Academic staff
Dominique HEYMANN
- University Hospital Professor (Professeur des Universités -Praticien Hospitalier) - Head of Histology and Embryology Dept (Medical School, Nantes) - Honorary Professor of Bone Oncology, University of Sheffield, UK - Head of the Biological Ressource Centre-Tumour Tissue Library, Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest (ICO)Coordonnées
"Tumor Heterogeneity and Precision Medicine" Laboratory, Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest, Blvd Jacques Monod, 44805 Saint-Herblain cedex (France)
- Bureau
- +33 (0) 240 679 841
Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
Thèmes de recherche
- Pathogenesis of Bone Sarcoma (in vitro and in vivo approaches) - Osteoclast differentiation - Osteolysis associated with inflammatory and cancer diseases - Metastatic process - Analysis of tumour heterogeneity
- Cytokine biology
- Extrahemostatic functions of Factor VIII
Activités / CV
. 2003 Authorization for animal studies, Veterinary School, Univ. Nantes
. 1999 Certificate of Histology, embryology and cytogenetic, Univ. Nantes
. 1998 Research Management Ability, Univ. Nantes
. 1995 PhD, Faculty of Medicine, INSERM U211, Univ. Nantes
. 1991 Master, University of Paris VII, INSERM
. Current position: Professor (Professeur des Universités-Praticien Hospitalier: University Hospital Professor), Nantes, Tenured-Position
- 2017/.... Honorary Professor of Bone Oncology (Univ. Sheffield, UK)
. 2015/2017 Professor of Bone Oncology (Univ. Sheffield, UK), secondment
. 2009/2015 Professor (PU-PH), Nantes, Tenured-Position
. Since 1998 Magisterial and practical teaching for Medical students, field : histology-embryology
. Magisterial teaching for Master students (Paris, Angers, Nantes), field : bone biology
.Head of Histology and Embryology Department (Medical School)
- 22 Master students, 20 PhD (Chile, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Malta), 9 post docs (France, Germany, Japan, The Netherlands, Spain)
09-2014/09-2015 Head of the Tissue Bank (Nantes Hospital, around 700 grafts/year)2001-2014 Control quality manager of the Cell and Gene Therapy Unit and Tissue Library.
. 2022/... Researcher, UMR CNRS 6286, UFIP (Nantes, Head: Prof. Offmann)
. 2017-2021 Researcher at INSERM UMR1232, Team "Apoptosis and Tumour Progression"
. 2016-2020 Head of the European Associated Laboratory "Sarcoma Research Unit" Inserm/Univ. of Nantes (France)/ Univ. Sheffield (UK)
. 2009-Dec 2016 Head of « Pathophysiology of Bone Resorption and Therapy of Primitive Bone Tumors Laboratory (60 peoples), INSERM UMR 957
. 2001/09 MCU-PH, Associate professor, University Hospital of Nantes
. 2004/2009 Head of the laboratory EA3822 working on bone sarcomas
. 2001/2004 Head of the young team named Pathophysiology of Bone Resorption
. 1998/2001 Assistant Professor (Assistant Hospitalier Universitaire: Nantes University Hospital)
. 1998 Recruited CR2 INSERM Researcher
. 1996/98 Engineer (Nantes Hospital, France)
. 1995/96 Technician (Nantes Hospital, France).
. 1991/1992 National Military Service
National responsabilities
2021/... Co-Chairman of the Groupe d'Etude des Métastases Osseuses. (GEMO): click here
2012/2016 Co-Chairman of the national scientific INSERM committee n°5, elected member (Physiology and pathophysiology of endocrine, bone, skin and gastrointestinal tissues)
2008/2012 Elected Member of the INSERM Scientific advisory board
2008/2012 Member of the expert committee for cell therapy of ANSM (French health authority)
2000/2006 Elected Member of the Director Board of the French society of connective tissues
Local responsabilities
2021 Lead of the scientifix axis (ICO) "Individualized Medicine"
2012/2015 Member of the Scientific advisory board (Univ. Nantes)
2005/2015 Member of the scientific advisory board of clinical research department (Nantes Hospital)
2002/2015 Member of the scientific advisory board, Nantes Medicine Faculty
2009/2013 Member of the Management advisory board, Nantes Medicine Faculty
2003/2012 Member of the doctoral school board « Chemistry-Biology » (Univ. Nantes)
Informations complémentaires
PATENTS (6) and START UP: information under request
- ASBMR Publications Committee: nominated member Sept. 2016-Sept 2019
- ASBMR Representatives to FASEB Committees from Sept. 2016-Sept 2019
- Editor-in-Chief The Open Bone Journal 2007-2015 (Bentham),
- Associate Editor Life Sciences since 2007-2016 (Elsevier),
- Academic Editor of PLoS ONE since 2012,
- Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Bone Oncology, since 2018 (Elsevier)
Member of the Editorial Board of:
- The European Journal of Pharmacology since 2008 (Elsevier),
- Current Medicinal Chemistry since 2008 (Bentham),
- Journal of Bone Oncology since 2012 (Elsevier),
- Letters in Drugs Design and Discovery since 2012 (Bentham),
- Jacobs Journal of Bone Marrow and Stem Cells since 2016.
- Journal of Sarcoma Research since (SMGroup) since 2016
- Current Pharmaceutical Design (Bentham) since 2018
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences (MDPI), Cancers (MDPI) since 2018
- Bone reports (Elsevier) since 2022. 2010 and 2014, Heymann D. (ed.), «Bone cancer: progression and therapeutic approaches » with the contributions of international specialists of bone field, first edition published by Elsevier in 2010. Second Edition published in Sept. 2014; Third Edition (January 2022): click here.