Academic staff

Didier ACIER

Professor in Clinical Psychology; Clinical Psychologist; Psychoanalyst

Contact details

Chemin de la Censive du Tertre B.P. 81227 44312 Nantes Cedex 3 FRANCE

134 (Tertre building)
0253522625 (n° interne : 442625)

Taught academic discipline(s)

Psychoanalysis; Addiction; Personnality disorders. Qualitative or/and quantitative methodology.

Research topics

Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic psychotherapy; Substance use disorders and behavioral addictions ; [quantitative and qualitative methodology]

Activities / Resume


Habilitation à diriger des recherches (Université de Nantes, France, 2013)

- Ph.D. in clinical psychology Research/Intervention (Université de  Montréal, Canada, 2008)


Additional information

Articles récents:

Beslon*, B., Wagner*, V., Acier, D. (sous-presse). L’appel de la forêt : Etude exploratoire des trajectoires des néo-usagers d’ayahuesca. Annales médico-psychologiques. [PsycInfo, Q2]

Wagner*, Acier, D., Dietlin, J.-E. (2020). Bidirectional relationships between future time perspective and alcohol use: an exploratory study in a clinical setting. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, 27(3) DOI : [PsycInfo, IF=1.46; Q2]

Loose*, T., Acier, D., El-Baalbaki, G. (2020). Personality Traits Impact Alcohol Consumption Through Subjective Time. Timing & Time Perception, 8(1), 66-85.  [PsycInfo, IF=1.59 ; Q3]

Rabeyron T., Langlet V. et Acier D. (2020), Adolescence et virtuel : La Neknomination comme phénomène anthropologique éphémère, Nouvelle revue de l’enfance et de l’adolescence, sous presse.

Loose*, T., Acier, D., Pilet, J., Deledalle, A., & El-Baalbaki, G. (2019). Development and Validation of the Temporal Competency Test-5D. Timing & Time Perception, 7(3), 254-276. DOI:  [PsycInfo, IF=1.59 ; Q3]

Loose*, T., Robiou*, L, Acier. D., Elbaalbaki, G. (2019). Time perspectives mediate the relationship between personality traits and alcohol consumption. Time and Society, 28(3), 1148-1166. [PsycInfo, IF=1.72; Q1]

Loose*, T, Acier, D & El-Baalbaki, G. (2018). Drinking motives as mediators between personality traits and alcohol use among young French people. Personality and Individual Differences, 134, 268-274. [PsycInfo, IF=1.96; Q1]

Wagner*, V., Acier, D., et Dietlin, J.-E. (2018). Mediation of time perspectives on inclinations to use alcohol and motivation to change relationship. Journal of clinical Psychology, 74(10), 1653-1883. [PsycInfo, IF=2.33 ; Q1]

Vicquelin, B., Quéreux, G., Acier, D., Lepeintre, A., Maillard, B., Nizard, J. (2018). Groupe d’analyse de la pratique à l’hopital : l’accompagnement des médecins  par un psychologue clinicien formé aux approches humanistes, dans un contexte d’évolution des soins. Presse Médicale, 47(10), 867-868.  Doi : 10.1016/j.lpm.2018.07.008   [MEDLINE/PubMed,IF=1 ; Q3]

Wagner*, V., Acier, D., et Dietlin, J.-E. (2018). Outpatient addiction treatment for problematic alcohol use: What makes patients who dropped out different from those who did not? Substance Use & Misuse, 53(11), 1893-1906. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2018.1441310. [PsycInfo, IF=1.2 ; Q2]

Loose*, T., Acier, D., Andretta, JR, Cole, JC, McKay, MT, Wagner*, V., Worell (2018). Time perspective and alcohol-use indicators in France and the United Kingdom: results across adolescents, university students, and treatment outpatients. Addiction Research and Theory, 26(2), 143-150 . [PsycInfo, IF=1.3; Q1]

Loose*, T., & Acier, D. (2017). Drinking motives and alcohol consumption behaviors among young French people. Addictive Behaviors, 72, 120–125. doi: [PsycInfo, IF=3.1; Q1]

Wagner*, V. & Acier, D. (2017). Factor structure evaluation of the French version of the Digital Natives Assessment Scale. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 20(3), 195-201. [PsycInfo, IF=2.5; Q1]

Ouvrages et chapitres :

Acier, D. (2016). Les addictions (2e édition). Louvain: De Boeck

Acier, D. (2015). LSD, le retour de l'enfant terrible. Dans R. Colson & H. Bergeron. Les drogues. Paris : PUF

Expertise pour des articles scientifiques :
Addiction ; Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking ; Drogues, santé, société; Le Bulletin de Psychologie

Expertise pour des appels à projets :

- Institut de Recherche en Santé Publique (IRESP) « Education thérapeutique du patient » (France)
- Fond de Recherche Société et Culture (Québec, Canada)
- Appel à projets européen de recherche sur les drogues illicites (ERANID) (Lisbonne, Portugal)

Mis à jour le 06 January 2025.