Academic staff
Clémence LEDOUX
Associate Professor in Political ScienceCoordonnées
Chemin de la Censive du Tertre BP 81307 44313 Nantes Cedex 3
- Bureau
- 345
- Tél
- 0240141682 (n° interne : 441682)
Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
Political Science, Gender and Public Policy, Social Policy
Thèmes de recherche
Social Policies in Europe, Care, Gender, Public Policies, Comparison
Activités / CV
RECENT PUBLICATIONS (selection since 2018) :
Edited book and special issue
- V Guiraudon, C Ledoux and L. Poblete, 2024, "Perspectives comparées sur l’emploi et les services de care à domicile en temps de pandémie", Revue des politiques sociales et familiales
- C Ledoux, L Poblete et A Jacquemart, 2023, "Gouverner le care", Terrains et Travaux, 1, 42.
- C Ledoux, K Shire and F van Hooren (eds.), 2021, The Dynamics of Welfare Markets. Private Pensions and Domestic/Care Services in Europe, Palgrave (introduction in free access)
- S Jacquot and C Ledoux, 2021, « Les partenaires sociaux à l’épreuve du genre et de l’intersectionnalité dans l’Union européenne / Social Partners, Gender and Intersectionality in the EU », Politique européenne, 4, 74.
Articles in peer reviewed journals (selection since 2018):
- V Guiraudon C Ledoux P Caillaud 2024 "Le rôle des organisations patronales dans un secteur fragmenté", RPSF, 150
- C Ledoux 2023 "Political parties, interest groups and the contestation of home care. The case of France". European Journal of Politics and Gender, 6 (2) 240-257.
- F Van Hooren and C Ledoux 2023 "The limits of social investment and the resilience of long-term care". European Journal of Social Security 25(2), 196-216
- C. Ledoux, L. Poblete, A. Jacquemart 2023 « Gouverner le social care, des catégories institutionnelles aux expériences intimes », Terrains & travaux, 2023/1 (42), 5-26
- A Dussuet, C Ledoux, C. Sonnet 2022 "Gouverner le pouvoir discrétionnaire des street level bureaucrats. Le cas de la mise en oeuvre de l'APA", Revue Française des Affaires Sociales, 2,67-89
- S Jacquot et C Ledoux 2021 "Les partenaires sociaux à l'épreuve du genre et de l'intersectionnalité dans l'Union européenne", Politique européenne, 4, 74, 10-37
- C Ledoux 2021 "Framing the feminised home-based services sector at European level: the evolving role of Trade Unions and Employer’s Organisations", Politique européenne, 4, 74, 78-107
- F van Hooren, C Ledoux, B Apitzsch and A Eleveld 2021 "Inclusive advocacy? Trade-union activity in support of the rights of domestic workers in Continental Europe", Politique européenne, 4, 74,108-134
- C Ledoux and A Dussuet 2020 "Elder Care Allowances in Action : Missed Opportunities for Gender Transformation", French Politics, 18, 71-92
- A Dussuet and C Ledoux 2019"Implementing the French elderly care allowance for home-based care: bureaucratic work, professional cultures and gender frames", Policy and Society
- C Ledoux 2022 « L’Etat social au défi du marché » in O. Giraud et G. Perrier (eds.), Politiques sociales, l’état des savoirs, La Découverte, 270-284
- C Ledoux et G. Perrier 2022 « Les approches centrées sur la mise en œuvre des politiques sociales » in O. Giraud et G. Perrier (eds.), Politiques sociales, l’état des savoirs, La Découverte, 200-217
- C Ledoux et R Krupka 2021 "Negotiating in a Highly Feminised Sector: The French Domestic Work and Home-based Care Sector", in A. Elomäki, J. Kantola and P. Koskinen Sandberg (eds.), Social Partners and Gender Equality: Change and Continuity in Gendered Corporatism, Palgrave, 71-95
- C Ledoux, R Encinas de Muñagorri et V. Guiraudon 2021 "Becoming an Organised Actor in a Welfare Market: Employers in the French In-Home Domestic/Care, in C. Ledoux, K. Shire et F. van Hooren (eds.) The Dynamics of Welfare Markets. Private Pensions and Domestic/Care Services in Europe, Palgrave, 317-342
- F van Hooren, B Apitzsch and C Ledoux 2018, “The politics of care work and migration”. In Weinar, A, Bonjour S et Zhyrznomirska, L (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Migration in Europe, Routledge, 363-373.
Informations complémentaires
Research projects
- Co-coordinator of the french part of the european research project ORIGAMI (2023-2025).
- Principal investigator of the research project COVICARE (2021-2024).
- Research project on the The Euopeanisation of Home-Based Service Employers' Organisations during a CNRS sabbatical and a Marie-Curie Fellowship at the FRIAS (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Freiburg) (2019-2021; 2022)
- Member of the research project PROFAM (2018-2021).
- Associated to the PHS Quality Project. Here the main report, june 2020
- Speaker of the Study Group "The politics of fiscal welfare markets (2016-2018)" based at the Hanse Institute for Advanced Studies HWK, in Delmenhorst (Germany).
- Member of the editorial board of the Zeitschrift für Sozialreform since 2025, Gouvernement et Action Publique since 2022, the Revue des Politiques Sociales et Familiales since 2020
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) since 2025
- Member of the Scientific council of the research center Law and Social Change ie DCS (Nantes University) since 2018
- Evaluator for the EURIAS Fellowships (2015, 2016, 2017) and FIAS Fellowship Programme (2020).
- Participation to the jury of l'épreuve écrite de sociologie au concours d'entrée de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (2017 et 2018).
- Evaluator for the French-German University
Fellowships in different foreign institutions
Administrative Responsibilities at Nantes University
- 2023-2024 : 3 months at the Maison Française of Oxford University (MFO)
- 2022: 5 months FRIAS Senior Fellow 2022 and Marie Curie Fellow of the European Union, Institute for Advanced Studies in Fribourg, FRIAS, Germany.
- 2020 : 5 weeks at the Université de Saint Louis, Bruxelles, Belgium (supported by Alliance Europa)
- 2018 : 9 days at the University College Dublin -UCD, Dublin, Irland (supported by a Hubert Currien Fellowship)
- 2014-2016: 9 months in different sequences, Fellow at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (Institute for Advanced Studies, HWK), Delmenhorst, Germany.
- 2009: 3 months at the Zentrum für Sozialpolitik -ZeS, Brême, Germany (supported by the CIERA)
- 2009: 3 months at the Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung Berlin -WZB, Berlin, Germany (supported by the CIERA)
- 2007-2008: 6 months at the Zentrum für Sozialpolitik -ZeS, Brême, Germany (supported by the CIERA)
- Co-director of the master 2 Science Politique de l'Europe since 2016
- Member of the Research Commission of the University Nantes (2016-2020)
- Member of the Conseil d'Administration of the Foundtion of the University Nantes (2016-2021)
- Membre du conseil de gestion de la faculté de Droit et de Science Politique (2012-2016)
- Co-director of the Licences Parcours Europe (2012-2015)
- 2011 : PHD in Political Science, Sciences Po Paris, Centre d'études européennes (France) : "L'Etat-providence et les mondes professionnels. La construction politique des métiers féminisés d'intervention dans la sphère privée. Une comparaison France- République Fédérale d'Allemagne depuis les années 1970" , Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris. Mention très honorable avec les félicitations du jury.
- 2006 : Master's degree in Politival Science (Public Policies Analysis), Sciences Po Paris, France
- 2005 : Agrégation in Social Sciences (National Teacher's Dipl.), position 6 in the national ranking.
- 2002 : Laureate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS), Department of Social Science.
- 1999-2002 : "classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles", B/L, lycée Pothier, Orléans.
Mis à jour le 27 février 2025.