Academic staff
Clémence LEDOUX
Associate Professor in Political ScienceContact details
Chemin de la Censive du Tertre BP 81307 44313 Nantes Cedex 3
- Office
- 345
- Phone
- 0240141682 (n° interne : 441682)
Taught academic discipline(s)
Political Science, Gender and Public Policy, Social Policy
Research topics
Social Policies in Europe, Care, Gender, Public Policies, Comparison
Activities / Resume
RECENT PUBLICATIONS (selection since 2018) :
Edited book and special issue
- V Guiraudon, C Ledoux and L. Poblete, 2024, "Perspectives comparées sur l’emploi et les services de care à domicile en temps de pandémie", Revue des politiques sociales et familiales
- C Ledoux, L Poblete et A Jacquemart, 2023, "Gouverner le care", Terrains et Travaux, 1, 42.
- C Ledoux, K Shire and F van Hooren (eds.), 2021, The Dynamics of Welfare Markets. Private Pensions and Domestic/Care Services in Europe, Palgrave (introduction in free access)
- S Jacquot and C Ledoux, 2021, « Les partenaires sociaux à l’épreuve du genre et de l’intersectionnalité dans l’Union européenne / Social Partners, Gender and Intersectionality in the EU », Politique européenne, 4, 74.
Articles in peer reviewed journals (selection since 2018):
- V Guiraudon C Ledoux P Caillaud 2024 "Le rôle des organisations patronales dans un secteur fragmenté", RPSF, 150
- C Ledoux 2023 "Political parties, interest groups and the contestation of home care. The case of France". European Journal of Politics and Gender, 6 (2) 240-257.
- F Van Hooren and C Ledoux 2023 "The limits of social investment and the resilience of long-term care". European Journal of Social Security 25(2), 196-216
- C. Ledoux, L. Poblete, A. Jacquemart 2023 « Gouverner le social care, des catégories institutionnelles aux expériences intimes », Terrains & travaux, 2023/1 (42), 5-26
- A Dussuet, C Ledoux, C. Sonnet 2022 "Gouverner le pouvoir discrétionnaire des street level bureaucrats. Le cas de la mise en oeuvre de l'APA", Revue Française des Affaires Sociales, 2,67-89
- S Jacquot et C Ledoux 2021 "Les partenaires sociaux à l'épreuve du genre et de l'intersectionnalité dans l'Union européenne", Politique européenne, 4, 74, 10-37
- C Ledoux 2021 "Framing the feminised home-based services sector at European level: the evolving role of Trade Unions and Employer’s Organisations", Politique européenne, 4, 74, 78-107
- F van Hooren, C Ledoux, B Apitzsch and A Eleveld 2021 "Inclusive advocacy? Trade-union activity in support of the rights of domestic workers in Continental Europe", Politique européenne, 4, 74,108-134
- C Ledoux and A Dussuet 2020 "Elder Care Allowances in Action : Missed Opportunities for Gender Transformation", French Politics, 18, 71-92
- A Dussuet and C Ledoux 2019"Implementing the French elderly care allowance for home-based care: bureaucratic work, professional cultures and gender frames", Policy and Society
- C Ledoux 2022 « L’Etat social au défi du marché » in O. Giraud et G. Perrier (eds.), Politiques sociales, l’état des savoirs, La Découverte, 270-284
- C Ledoux et G. Perrier 2022 « Les approches centrées sur la mise en œuvre des politiques sociales » in O. Giraud et G. Perrier (eds.), Politiques sociales, l’état des savoirs, La Découverte, 200-217
- C Ledoux et R Krupka 2021 "Negotiating in a Highly Feminised Sector: The French Domestic Work and Home-based Care Sector", in A. Elomäki, J. Kantola and P. Koskinen Sandberg (eds.), Social Partners and Gender Equality: Change and Continuity in Gendered Corporatism, Palgrave, 71-95
- C Ledoux, R Encinas de Muñagorri et V. Guiraudon 2021 "Becoming an Organised Actor in a Welfare Market: Employers in the French In-Home Domestic/Care, in C. Ledoux, K. Shire et F. van Hooren (eds.) The Dynamics of Welfare Markets. Private Pensions and Domestic/Care Services in Europe, Palgrave, 317-342
- F van Hooren, B Apitzsch and C Ledoux 2018, “The politics of care work and migration”. In Weinar, A, Bonjour S et Zhyrznomirska, L (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Migration in Europe, Routledge, 363-373.
Additional information
PHS Quality Project Report, june 2020
Collective Responsibilities
Collective Responsibilities
- Research : Principal investigator of the research project COVICARE (2021-2024). Member of the research project ORIGAMI (2023-2025). Member of the research project PROFAM (2018-2021). Member of the comité de rédaction of Gouvernement et Action Publique, and the Revue des Politiques Sociales et Familiales. Member of the editorial board of the Zeitschrift für Sozialreform. Evaluator for the EURIAS Fellowships (2015, 2016, 2017) and FIAS Fellowship Programme (2020).
- Teaching's evauations : Participation to the jury of l'épreuve écrite de sociologie au concours d'entrée de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (2017 et 2018). Evaluator for the French-German University
Fellowships in different foreign institutions
Administrative Responsibilities
- 2023-2024 : 3 months at Oxford University (Maison Française)
- 2022: 5 months FRIAS Senior Fellow 2022 and Marie Curie Fellow of the European Union, Institute for Advanced Studies in Fribourg, FRIAS, Germany.
- 2020 : 5 weeks at the Université de Saint Louis, Bruxelles, Belgium (supported by Alliance Europa)
- 2018 : 9 days at the University College Dublin -UCD, Dublin, Irland (supported by a Hubert Currien Fellowship)
- Speaker du Study Group "The politics of fiscal welfare markets" (2016-2018) based at the Hanse Institute for Advanced Studies HWK, in Delmenhorst (Germany).
- 2014-2016: 9 months in different sequences, Fellow at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (Institute for Advanced Studies, HWK), Delmenhorst, Germany.
- 2009: 3 months at the Zentrum für Sozialpolitik -ZeS, Brême, Germany (supported by the CIERA)
- 2009: 3 months at the Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung Berlin -WZB, Berlin, Germany (supported by the CIERA)
- 2007-2008: 6 months at the Zentrum für Sozialpolitik -ZeS, Brême, Germany (supported by the CIERA)
- Member of the scientifici council of the laboratory DCS (Nantes University) since 2018
- Co-director of the master 2 Science Politique de l'Europe since 2016
- Member of the Research Commission of the University Nantes (2016-2020)
- Member of the Conseil d'Administration of the Fondation de l'Université de Nantes (2016-2021)
- Membre du conseil de gestion de la faculté de Droit et de Science Politique (2012-2016)
- Co-director of the Licences Parcours Europe (2012-2015)
- 2011 : PHD in Political Science, Sciences Po Paris, Centre d'études européennes (France) : "L'Etat-providence et les mondes professionnels. La construction politique des métiers féminisés d'intervention dans la sphère privée. Une comparaison France- République Fédérale d'Allemagne depuis les années 1970" , Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris. Mention très honorable avec les félicitations du jury.
- 2006 : Master's degree in Politival Science (Public Policies Analysis), Sciences Po Paris, France
- 2005 : Agrégation in Social Sciences (National Teacher's Dipl.), position 6 in the national ranking.
- 2002 : Laureate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS), Department of Social Science.
- 1999-2002 : "classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles", B/L, lycée Pothier, Orléans.
Mis à jour le 28 January 2025.