Personnel d'un organisme de recherche
Arnaud NICOT
CR Inserm, PhD/HDR Equipe 5 (NEMO) CR2TICoordonnées
- Arnaud.Nicot@univ-nantes.fr
- Site internet
- https://cr2ti.univ-nantes.fr/research/team-5
Discipline(s) enseignée(s)
2023- Neuroendocrinologie, Master GP MICAS, Nantes Université
2023- Neuroimmunologie/Neuroinflammation, Master GP MICAS, Nantes Université
Communications orales (2009-2023) :
- Accommodation of the phenolsulfotransferase 1A1 (ST1A1) towards large compounds (2023) Biochemical Society-SUPA-Conference. Birmingham (UK).
- The aglycosyl e1 domain of Kir4.1 as a valid autoantigen candidate promoting demyelinating encephalomyelitis (2023) CFNI Neuroimmunology Symposium, Lille.
- Determining drug interactions with SULT enzymes (2018) Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia
- Immuno-guided Laser Capture Microdissection for mRNA analysis (2018) Microlaser Biotech Network Day, Hopital Saint Louis, Paris
- KIR4.1 et neuroinflammation autoimmune : mythe ou réalité (2017) Rencontres scientifiques franco-suisse, Radison Hotel, Nantes
- High levels of KIR4.1 antibody delineate a subset of multiple sclerosis patients (2016) 7th Workshop CFNI, Club Français de NeuroImmunologie, Evry
- Gene transcripts involved in steroid metabolism from murine white matter astrocytes (2015) International Meeting Steroids and the Nervous System, Turino, Italy
- Molecular signature of laser-microdissected white matter reactive astrocytes during EAE (2014) 18th Annual Meeting of the LARC-Neuroscience Network, Caen
- Estrogens & Progestagens in Multiple Sclerosis (2013) French Meeting on Multiple Sclerois, CFSEP, Sept 14th , La Rochelle
- Gender issue and estrogen-based therapy for autoimmune neuroinflammation (2009) 1st International Congress on “Genes, Drugs and Gender”, Sassari, Italy
- Autoimmune neuroinflammation, astroglia and estrogen treatment (2009) SGI Expert Meeting on "Neuroplasticity, sex steroids and other modulators”, Siena, Italy
Thèmes de recherche
Soutien de la Région Pays de la Loire (2011-2015) et de la FRC/ARSEP (transcriptomique). Contrat Inserm-Transfer/TEVA (2016-2017).
ANR collaborative ToxMe (2018-2021), Fondation EDMUS/ARSEP (2024-25).
Activités / CV
2019-2021. Membre du Conseil Scientifique du club de Neuroimmunologie francaise (CFNI)
2018-2021. Membre du Conseil Scientifique de la SNE.
2013-présent. Coordinateur de la Semaine du Cerveau à Nantes
2010-2020. Coordinateur local (Nantes) du réseau LARC-Neurosciences
2010 Habilitation à diriger les recherches (HDR), Université Paris6-UPMC.
2004-présent Chargé de Recherches Inserm, Commission Neurosciences.
Laboratoires fréquentés:
2010-présent UMR 1064 (CRTI, puis CR2TI), Nantes. Sclérose en plaques (SEP). Lymphocytes et acteurs locaux impliqués dans la neuroinflammation. Réactivité astrogliale. Effets anti-inflammatoires des estrogènes. Autoanticorps. Modèles murins, cultures primaires (cellules neurales, leucocytes, lignées cellilaires), biologie moléculaire (ARN, microdissection laser), immunohistochimie/Western Blot. Bioinformatique structurale (collaboration M.Miteva, Paris).
2004-2009. Inserm/Université Paris6-UPMC. Régulation et rôle de gènes neuronaux ou astrocytaires (chimiokines) dans les modèles murins de SEP.
2002-2003: Chercheur associé au Department of Neuroscience, Rutgers/ Univ/UMDNJ, NJ, Etats-Unis. Mécanismes de neurodégénérescence au cours de la neuroinflammation autoimmune/SEP
1997-2001: Chercheur associé au Department Neuroscience and Cell Biology, Rutgers Univ/UMDNJ, Etats-Unis. PACAP et Régulation épigénétique de la prolifération/différenciation des cellules souches neurales.
Informations complémentaires
Selected publications 2010-2024
Investigating the metabolite signature of an altered oral microbiota as a discriminant factor for multiple sclerosis Sci Rep. 2024 Apr 2;14(1):7786.
Nicot AB, Harb J, Garcia A et al. (2023) Aglycosylated extracellular loop of inwardly rectifying potassium channel 4.1 (KCNJ10) provides a target for autoimmune neuroinflammation. Brain Communications, Volume 5, Issue 2. https://inserm.hal.science/inserm-04131283v1
Garcia A, Dugast E, Shah S et al., Nicot A, Wiertlewski S, Gourraud PA, Berthelot L, Laplaud D (2023) Immune Profiling Reveals the T-Cell Effect of Ocrelizumab in Early Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2023 Feb 21;10(3):e200091.
Morille J, Mandon M, Rodriguez S et al., Nicot A, Mathé C, Lejeune F, Tarte K, Delaloy C, Amé P, Laplaud D, Michel L (2022) Multiple Sclerosis CSF Is Enriched With Follicular T Cells Displaying a Th1/Eomes Signature. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2022 Oct 20;9(6):e200033.
Isvoran A, Peng Y, Ceauranu S, Schmidt L, Nicot AB*, Miteva MA* (2022) Pharmacogenetics of human sulfotransferases and impact of amino acid exchange on Phase II drug metabolism. Drug Discov Today Sep 9;27(11):103349.
Lessigiarska I, Peng Y, Tsakovska I et al., Nicot AB, Pajeva I, Pencheva T, Miteva MA (2021) Computational Analysis of Chemical Space of Natural Compounds Interacting with Sulfotransferases. Molecules 26(21):6360.
Dudas B, Toth D, Perahia D, Nicot AB, Balog E, Miteva MA (2021) Insights into the substrate binding mechanism of SULT1A1 through molecular dynamics with excited normal modes simulations. Sci Rep. 11(1):13129.
Montassier E, Al-Ghalith GA, Mathé C et al., Laplaud DA, Nicot AB, Soulillou JP, Berthelot L (2019) Distribution of Bacterial α1,3-Galactosyltransferase Genes in the Human Gut Microbiome Front Immunol. 10: 3000.
Nicot AB, Rambeau J, Guillot F, Garcia A, Laplaud DA (2018) Immuno-Guided Laser-Capture Microdissection of Glial Cells for mRNA Analysis. In: Murray G. (eds) Laser Capture Microdissection. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1723. Humana Press, New York, NY
Nicol B, Salou M, Vogel I, et al., Nicot AB, Berthelot L, Laplaud DA (2018) An intermediate level of CD161 expression defines a novel activated, inflammatory, and pathogenic subset of CD8(+) T cells involved in multiple sclerosis. J Autoimmun. 88:61-74.
Le Berre L, Rousse J, Gourraud PA, et al. Decrease of blood anti-?1,3 Galactose Abs levels in multiple sclerosis (MS) and clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) patients. Clin Immunol. 2017 Jul;180:128-135.
Salou M, Nicol B, Garcia A, et al., Nicot AB, Degauque N, Laplaud DA. Neuropathologic, phenotypic and functional analyses of Mucosal Associated Invariant T cells in Multiple Sclerosis. Clin Immunol. 2016 May;166-167:1-11.
Louveau A, Nerrière-Daguin V, Vanhove B, Naveilhan P, Neunlist M, Nicot A, Boudin H. Targeting the CD80/CD86 costimulatory pathway with CTLA4-Ig directs microglia toward a repair phenotype and promotes axonal outgrowth. Glia. 2015 Dec;63(12):2298-312.
Guillot F, Garcia A, Salou M, Brouard S, Laplaud DA, Nicot AB. Transcript analysis of laser capture microdissected white matter astrocytes and higher phenol sulfotransferase 1A1 expression during autoimmune neuroinflammation. J Neuroinflammation. 2015 Jul 4;12:130.
Salou M, Garcia A, Michel L, Gainche-Salmon A, Loussouarn D, Nicol B, Guillot F, Hulin P, Nedellec S, Baron D, Ramstein G, Soulillou JP, Brouard S, Nicot AB, Degauque N, Laplaud DA. Expanded CD8 T-cell sharing between periphery and CNS in multiple sclerosis. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2015 Jun;2(6):609-22.
Elkabes S, Nicot AB. Sex steroids and neuroprotection in spinal cord injury: a review of preclinical investigations. Exp Neurol. 2014 Sep;259:28-37.
Degauque N, Elong Ngono A, Akl A, Lepetit M, et al., Nicot A, Brouard S, Soulillou JP. Characterization of antigen-specific B cells using nominal antigen-coated flow-beads. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 30;8(12):e84273.
Gourdain P, Ballerini C, Nicot AB*, Carnaud C. Exacerbation of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in prion protein (PrPc)-null mice: evidence for a critical role of the central nervous system. J Neuroinflammation. 2012 Jan 26;9:25.
Le Dréau G, Kular L, Nicot AB, Calmel C, Melik-Parsadaniantz S, Kitabgi P, Laurent M, Martinerie C. NOV/CCN3 upregulates CCL2 and CXCL1 expression in astrocytes through beta1 and beta5 integrins. Glia. 2010 Sep;58(12):1510-21.
Kurnellas MP, Li H, Jain MR, Giraud SN, Nicot AB, Ratnayake A, Heary RF, Elkabes S. Reduced expression of plasma membrane calcium ATPase 2 and collapsing response mediator protein 1 promotes death of spinal cord neurons. Cell Death Differ. 2010 Sep;17(9):1501-10.
Giraud SN, Caron CM, Pham-Dinh D, Kitabgi P, Nicot AB. Estradiol inhibits ongoing autoimmune neuroinflammation and NFkappaB-dependent CCL2 expression in reactive astrocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 May 4;107(18):8416-21.
Le Dréau G, Nicot A, Bénard M, Thibout H, Vaudry D, Martinerie C, Laurent M. NOV/CCN3 promotes maturation of cerebellar granule neuron precursors. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2010 Jan;43(1):60-71
Nicot A. Gender and sex hormones in multiple sclerosis pathology and therapy. Front Biosci. 2009 Jan 1;14:4477-515. Review.

CCL2+ astrocytes (green) attracting CD45+ leukocytes (red) in CNS parenchyma (Giraud et al, 2010).

Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) & mRNA profiling (Guillot et al, 2015; Nicot et al, 2018).
Pathogenic subset of CD8+ T cells in multiple sclerosis (Nicol et al, 2018)
SULT1A1 3D modeling (M. Miteva)![]()